An automatic attendence recorder for the fingerprint biometric device eSSL x990. Stores the records in MySQL.
The code consists of: : This python file is used to create the initial database if not already present , which stores all the attendence records. (Needs to be run while setting up on a new device/server.) : The script connects to a MySQL database and performs various operations, including inserting new users and updating existing users' privileges, using the mysql.connector
library for database connections and the zk
package for networking. It also disables and enables devices and commits changes to the database. The code connects to a MySQL database and retrieves user data using the json
module. It then starts livecaptures on five IP addresses using the ZK
class from the zk
package, prints out attendance information for each IP address, and disconnects from the database and ZK servers when finished. : The code gets a list of users along with their fingerprint data from the biometric device and stores them in the sql database. : An integration of the above , it is used to control and run any of the features.