Sandwich Factory v3.0
Major Changes
- Finished every level
- Levers can now be flipped
- End screen added (not in the original!)
- Added tag system (for doors, levers, portals, disappearing walls)
- Added disappearing walls
- Added coloured doors + levers
Minor Changes
- Ladders now rendered
- GUI is now resizable
- Added camera scrolling
- Goal is now a BoxCollider2D instead of an x position
- Game can be downloaded and compiled/run on replit without any issues
- File loading / collision bug fixes
- Cleaned up a bit of code / file clutter (much more to be done)
- Maximum objects in a level described in how_to_use_.sf_files2
- Added a few more debug options
Potential future changes before game is 100% matching original unity version
- Addition of trappy
- Modificaiton of main menu and addition of level select screen