A simple sketch that displays the current weather conditions according to worldweatheronline.net on an LCD.
You'll need to update five values in src/WeatherClient.ino so they make sense for your environment:
- WLAN_SSID - Your network name
- WLAN_PASS - Password to your network
- API_KEY - Your free API key from worldweatheronline.net
- CITY - Either your city and province, or your postal code. Must be URL encoded.
- 1 x Arduino UNO
- 1 x Adafruit CC3000 Shield
- 1 x 16x2 LCD
- 1 x 3.3 kΩ resistor
- 2 x 47Ω resistors
The CC3000 shield uses the following connections:
- SCK -> Digital pin 13
- MISO -> Digital pin 12
- MOSI -> Digital pin 11
- WCS -> Digital pin 10
- VBAT_EN -> Digital pin 5
- CCS -> Digital pin 4
- IRQ -> Digital pin 3
The LCD is connected as follows:
- LCD1 -> GND
- LCD2 -> 5v
- LCD3 -> 3.3 kΩ resistor -> GND
- LCD4 -> Analog 0 (a.k.a digital pin 14)
- LCD5 -> GND
- LCD6 -> Digital pin 2
- LCD11 -> Digital pin 6
- LCD12 -> Digital pin 7
- LCD13 -> Digital pin 8
- LCD14 -> Digital pin 9
- LCD15 -> 5v
- LCD16 -> 47Ω resistor -> 47Ω resistor -> GRD