Mailgun bounce processing for CiviCRM
- Install extension following Manual installation of native extensions
- Update the Mail Protocol Option Group to add MailgunDB
- Update Mail Account settings adding the Mailgun API key as the password and updating the protocol for MailgunDB for the account used for Bounce Processing.
- Add webhook paths to skip IDS checks
- Configure Webhooks setting:
- Dropped messages to
- Hard bounces to
When the webhooks are called these can trigger IDS checks in Civi. To get around this CRM/Core/IDS.php has been patched to allow additional paths to be skipped. These paths need adding by adding the following to settings.php (Drupal).
define( 'CIVICRM_IDS_SKIP', serialize( array('civicrm/mailgun/drop', 'civicrm/mailgun/bounce') ) );
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