Glendy is a simple game. One player plays as Trapper, and the other as Glenda.
Glenda tries to escape by reaching sides, and Trapper tries to trap Glenda in walls.
Win state | Lose state |
To put a wall as Trapper, click on any free circle on the board each turn.
To escape as Glenda, you can choose from 6 neighboring circles around Glenda each turn.
It's expected to be compatible with Mac OS and BSDs too.
For now, you can only play as Trapper in offline mode.
In offline mode, you can choose difficulty and board size.
Board size have no effect on game logic, and makes game board larger or smaller visually.
In online mode, you should enter a name, you can choose the side you prefer and board size.
You can also enter or choose server address.
There are two modes too, Online multiplayer and Online single player.
You can find server for multiplayer mode at:
Windows dark mode | Linux light mode |
Windows dark mode | Linux light mode |
Windows dark mode | Linux light mode |
Windows dark mode | Linux light mode |
1. Add multiplayer mode.
2. Add an screen for mode selection. (multiplayer, offline)
3. Add an screen for difficulty selection.
4. Optimize code and change variable names if necessary.
5. Dynamically set resolution of the game window.
6. Debug!