This project contains the api to classify outcome documents from Tuscany Region.
The server is a flask application.
- create a virtual env
$ conda create --name ml-api python=3.6
$ source activate ml-api
- run the server
$ python
The client is done using create-react-app. I'd suggest using Node Version Manager to handle node dependency. To run the app in dev mode
$ cd web-ui
$ npp start
export ORGANIZATION=nexus.teamdigitale.test
export VERSION=0.1.1
docker build -t $ORGANIZATION/ml-api:$VERSION .
docker push $ORGANIZATION/ml-api:$VERSION
export VERSION=0.1.1
docker build -t $ORGANIZATION/ml-api:$VERSION .
docker push $ORGANIZATION/ml-api:$VERSION
To run the docker images
docker run -dt --name ml-api -p 5000:5000 $ORGANIZATION/ml-api:$VERSION