This is an extension project base on Unity Roll a Ball tutorial ( I will extend this project by adding more features.
Dev Log:
2023/08/15 - Audio Manager
Add audio manager in setting page, to control BGM and sound effect volume and On/Off.
- [New] Update setting page, add toggle and slider to control audio settings.
- [New] Save audio status and volume in PlayerPrefs, load them when starting.
- [New] Add AudioManager to control all audio sources.
- [New] Play background music across all scenes now.
2023/08/14 - Sound Effects
Add background music and sound effects.
- [New] Add background music in game scene.
- [New] Add different sound effects when player collides with pickup and enemy.
- [New] Add sound effect when clicking UI buttons.
2023/08/13 - Scenes Manager
Add Start/Settings/Store scenes and navigate between them.
- [New] Add new scenes.
- [New] Add replay function.
2023/08/13 - Jump
Add new Input Action to handle jump by pressing Space bar.
- [New] Add basket ball texture to player ball, in order to show it's rolling.
- [New] Add collision handler when the player collides with pickup.
- [New] Add custom jump Input Action to player.
2023/08/13 - Spawn Manager
- [New] Add new enemy role. The score decrease by 2 when player collides with enemy.
- [New] Add SpawnManager, to generate pickups and enemies in random positions.
2023/08/13 - Sweet Start
Initial version, same as Unity's tutorial project.
- [New] Moving player with Input System
- [New] Camera follow with player
- [New] Creating and collecting collectibles
- [New] Display score and result text