Pitch Deck - https://www.canva.com/design/DAF7EquhKwg/x3UnhKos_IWP_nlEZcy6tA/view?utm_content=DAF7EquhKwg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor Stabilitti helps educates the community on the day to day challenges of people who are abled differently. It provides a search section where individuals can enter their location in order to search for institutions near them that facilitate on their needs. It goes a step further and provides filters to be able to expand or narrow ones search based on their needs and preferences.
The link to the demo: https://www.loom.com/share/f9c1b63fcf2947909786f887f255aa97?sid=57f14601-356f-44e9-b00d-734e9534c06a