This plugin allows you to list all (or part) of your medias on custom Page / Post. With one simple shortcode – [list_media]
It can take 7 attributes:
order – This tells the plugin how to sort the results. By default it is ASC order_by – This tells the plugin by what to sort the results (It can use all of the WordPres sorting methods). By defualts it is publish_date posts_per_page – This tells the plugin how much attachments should list. By defaults it is -1, which means All post_status – This tells the plugin which attachments to list. By default it is null with that it lists all available attachments. post_parent – This tells the plugin to list all attachments with parent ID equal to the given parameter. By defaults it is null. default_styles – This tells the plugin how the Front-end Table should look like. If the parameter is true it appends the default styles of the table. By default it is true. date_format – This is tells the plugin how the date should be formated into the Date field of the Table.