A nodejs webhook server to use Locative & Geofency iOS apps to conrol OpenHAB presence items.
When a geofence or iBeacon is entered/exited, ON/OFF command is sent.
No authenication is implemented.
PM2 (Optional. For running node apps as a background services)
Update your local package index:
sudo apt-get update
Install Node.js:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
The nodejs-legacy package installs a node symlink that is needed by many modules (including openhab-webhook) to build and run correctly.
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
Install NPM (Node Package Manager):
sudo apt-get install npm
Install openhab-webhook from NPM:
sudo npm install openhab-webhook -g
By default, the OpenHAB server is set to localhost at port 8080, and the webhook listener listens on port 8000.
To change this, edit the settings.json file in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/openhab-webhook
Run openhab-webhook in terminal:
It should print out what port the webhook listener is running on, and the OpenHAB connection status.
You should be able to visit serverip:8000 from a browser.
(to quit, hit Ctrl + C)
In GLOBAL HTTP SETTINGS on the settings page:
- Set the URL to:
- Select POST and leave HTTP Basic Authentication off.
When you add a Geofence or iBeacon:
- Give Custom Location ID or Custom iBeacon ID the same name as the item you want to switch ON/OFF in OpenHAB.
- Set Trigger on Arrival and Trigger on Departure on/off as desired.
- Don't edit the url, this way it will use the global url you set in GLOBAL HTTP SETTINGS.
- Add an iBeacon
- Tap the ⋮ menu button on that iBeacon, then tap Edit Name and make this the same name as the item you want to switch ON/OFF in OpenHAB.
- Tap the ⋮ again, then tap Webhook
- Tap Event → URL Settings
- Set Notify on Entry and Notify on Exit on/off as desired.
- Set both URLs to
- Leave POST Format on Default
(Implemented, but not tested)
Install PM2 to run node apps as background services:
sudo npm install pm2 -g
start openhab-webhook as service with PM2:
pm2 start openhab-webhook
Generate PM2 startup script:
sudo pm2 startup
The PM2 startup script that starts your Node applications, (called 'pm2-init.sh.') lives in the 'etc/init.d/' directory. It does not specically start openhab-webhook. Instead, it starts the programs that were running under PM2 the last time the server shutdown.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details