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AND-5244 Added Vechain blockchain
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Yoggam1 committed Jan 9, 2024
1 parent 5e49ff0 commit 144d5c5
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Showing 23 changed files with 578 additions and 13 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ class TonWalletManager(
is Result.Failure -> updateError(walletInfoResult.error)
is Result.Success -> updateWallet(

override suspend fun send(transactionData: TransactionData, signer: TransactionSigner): SimpleResult {
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.vechain

import java.math.BigDecimal

data class VechainAccountInfo(
val balance: BigDecimal,
val energy: BigDecimal,
val completedTxIds: Set<String>
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.vechain

data class VechainBlockInfo(
val blockId: String,
val blockRef: Long,
val blockNumber: Long,
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.vechain


internal class VechainNetworkProvidersBuilder {

fun build(isTestNet: Boolean): List<VechainNetworkProvider> {
return buildList {
add(createVechainNode(if (isTestNet) "" else ""))
add(createVechainNode(if (isTestNet) "" else ""))
add(createVechainNode(if (isTestNet) "" else ""))
add(createVechainNode(if (isTestNet) "" else ""))

private fun createVechainNode(url: String): VechainNetworkProvider {
val vechainApi = createRetrofitInstance(url).create(
return VechainNetworkProvider(
baseUrl = url,
api = vechainApi,
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
package com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.vechain

import com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.ethereum.EthereumUtils
import com.tangem.blockchain.common.*
import com.tangem.blockchain.common.transaction.Fee
import com.tangem.blockchain.common.transaction.TransactionFee
import com.tangem.blockchain.extensions.trustWalletCoinType
import com.tangem.common.extensions.toDecompressedPublicKey
import org.kethereum.crypto.determineRecId
import org.kethereum.extensions.removeLeadingZero
import org.kethereum.model.PublicKey
import org.kethereum.model.SignatureData
import wallet.core.jni.DataVector
import wallet.core.jni.TransactionCompiler
import wallet.core.jni.proto.Common
import wallet.core.jni.proto.TransactionCompiler.PreSigningOutput
import wallet.core.jni.proto.VeChain
import java.math.BigInteger

class VechainTransactionBuilder(blockchain: Blockchain, private val publicKey: Wallet.PublicKey) {

* “Chain tag is the last byte of the genesis block ID”.
* Testnet blockId: 0x000000000b2bce3c70bc649a02749e8687721b09ed2e15997f466536b20bb127
* Mainnet blockId: 0x00000000851caf3cfdb6e899cf5958bfb1ac3413d346d43539627e6be7ec1b4a
private val chainTag = if (blockchain.isTestnet()) 0x27 else 0x4a
private val coinType = blockchain.trustWalletCoinType

fun constructFee(amount: Amount, destination: String): TransactionFee {
val toClause = buildClause(amount, destination)
val gas = intrinsicGas(toClause)
return TransactionFee.Choosable(
minimum = Fee.Vechain(
amount = Amount(
token = VechainWalletManager.VTHO_TOKEN,
value = gas.toBigDecimal().movePointLeft(GAS_TO_VET_DECIMAL)
gasPriceCoef = 0,
normal = Fee.Vechain(
amount = Amount(
token = VechainWalletManager.VTHO_TOKEN,
value = (gas * 1.5).toBigDecimal().movePointLeft(GAS_TO_VET_DECIMAL)
gasPriceCoef = 127,
priority = Fee.Vechain(
amount = Amount(
token = VechainWalletManager.VTHO_TOKEN,
value = (gas * 2).toBigDecimal().movePointLeft(GAS_TO_VET_DECIMAL)
gasPriceCoef = 255,

fun buildForSign(transactionData: TransactionData, blockInfo: VechainBlockInfo, nonce: Long): ByteArray {
val fee = transactionData.fee as? Fee.Vechain ?: throw BlockchainSdkError.FailedToBuildTx
val input =
createSigningInput(transactionData.amount, fee, transactionData.destinationAddress, blockInfo, nonce)
val preImageHashes = TransactionCompiler.preImageHashes(coinType, input.toByteArray())
val preSigningOutput = PreSigningOutput.parseFrom(preImageHashes)

if (preSigningOutput.error != Common.SigningError.OK) {
throw BlockchainSdkError.FailedToBuildTx

return preSigningOutput.dataHash.toByteArray()

fun buildForSend(
transactionData: TransactionData,
hash: ByteArray,
signature: ByteArray,
blockInfo: VechainBlockInfo,
nonce: Long,
): ByteArray {
val fee = transactionData.fee as? Fee.Vechain ?: throw BlockchainSdkError.FailedToBuildTx
val inputData = createSigningInput(

val publicKeys = DataVector()

val signatures = DataVector()
signatures.add(unmarshalSignature(signature, hash, publicKey))

val compileWithSignatures = TransactionCompiler.compileWithSignatures(
coinType, inputData.toByteArray(), signatures, publicKeys

val output = VeChain.SigningOutput.parseFrom(compileWithSignatures)
if (output.error != Common.SigningError.OK) {
throw IllegalStateException("something went wrong")

return output.encoded.toByteArray()

private fun createSigningInput(
amount: Amount,
fee: Fee.Vechain,
destination: String,
blockInfo: VechainBlockInfo,
nonce: Long,
): VeChain.SigningInput {
val clause = buildClause(amount, destination)

return VeChain.SigningInput.newBuilder()

private fun intrinsicGas(clause: VeChain.Clause): Long {
val data =
val dataCost = calculateDataCost(data)
val vmInvocationCost = if (dataCost > 0) VM_INVOCATION_COST * 2 else 0

return TX_GAS + CLAUSE_GAS + dataCost + vmInvocationCost

private fun calculateDataCost(data: String): Long {
return data
.windowed(2, 2)
.sumOf { if (it == "00") Z_GAS else NZ_GAS }

private fun buildClause(amount: Amount, destination: String): VeChain.Clause {
val value = amount.value?.movePointRight(amount.decimals)?.toBigInteger() ?: BigInteger.ZERO
return when (val type = amount.type) {
is AmountType.Token -> {
val token = type.token
val data = EthereumUtils.createErc20TransferData(destination, amount)

AmountType.Coin -> {

AmountType.Reserve -> error("Not supported")

private fun unmarshalSignature(signature: ByteArray, hash: ByteArray, publicKey: Wallet.PublicKey): ByteArray {
val r = BigInteger(1, signature.copyOfRange(0, 32))
val s = BigInteger(1, signature.copyOfRange(32, 64))

val ecdsaSignature = ECDSASignature(r, s).canonicalise()

val recId = ecdsaSignature.determineRecId(
val signatureData = SignatureData(ecdsaSignature.r, ecdsaSignature.s, recId.toBigInteger())

return signatureData.r.toByteArray().removeLeadingZero() +
signatureData.s.toByteArray().removeLeadingZero() +

private companion object {
private const val TX_GAS = 5_000L
private const val CLAUSE_GAS = 16_000L
private const val VM_INVOCATION_COST = 15_000L

private const val Z_GAS = 4L
private const val NZ_GAS = 68L

private const val GAS_TO_VET_DECIMAL = 5
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package com.tangem.blockchain.blockchains.vechain

import android.util.Log
import com.tangem.blockchain.common.*
import com.tangem.blockchain.common.transaction.TransactionFee
import com.tangem.blockchain.extensions.Result
import com.tangem.blockchain.extensions.SimpleResult
import com.tangem.blockchain.extensions.successOr
import com.tangem.blockchain.extensions.toSimpleFailure
import com.tangem.common.CompletionResult

internal class VechainWalletManager(
wallet: Wallet,
networkProviders: List<VechainNetworkProvider>,
) : WalletManager(wallet), TransactionSender {

private val networkService = VechainNetworkService(
networkProviders = networkProviders,
blockchain = wallet.blockchain,

override val currentHost: String get() =

private val transactionBuilder = VechainTransactionBuilder(
blockchain = wallet.blockchain,
publicKey = wallet.publicKey,

override suspend fun updateInternal() {
val pendingTxIds = wallet.recentTransactions.mapNotNullTo(hashSetOf()) { it.hash }
when (val response = networkService.getAccountInfo(wallet.address, pendingTxIds)) {
is Result.Failure -> updateError(response.error)
is Result.Success -> updateWallet(

private fun updateWallet(info: VechainAccountInfo) {
wallet.setAmount(Amount(value = info.balance, blockchain = wallet.blockchain))
wallet.addTokenValue(value =, token = VTHO_TOKEN)
info.completedTxIds.forEach { completedTxId ->
wallet.recentTransactions.find { it.hash == completedTxId }?.let { transactionData ->
transactionData.status = TransactionStatus.Confirmed

private fun updateError(error: BlockchainError) {
Log.e(, error.customMessage)
if (error is BlockchainSdkError) throw error

override suspend fun getFee(amount: Amount, destination: String): Result<TransactionFee> {
return Result.Success(transactionBuilder.constructFee(amount, destination))

override suspend fun send(transactionData: TransactionData, signer: TransactionSigner): SimpleResult {
val blockInfo = networkService.getLatestBlock()
.successOr { return SimpleResult.Failure(it.error.toBlockchainSdkError()) }
val nonce = (0..Long.MAX_VALUE).random()
val txToSign = transactionBuilder.buildForSign(transactionData, blockInfo, nonce)
return when (val signatureResult = signer.sign(txToSign, wallet.publicKey)) {
is CompletionResult.Success -> {
val rawTx =
transactionData = transactionData,
hash = txToSign,
signature =,
blockInfo = blockInfo,
nonce = nonce,
when (val sendResult = networkService.sendTransaction(rawTx)) {
is Result.Success -> {
transactionData.hash =
wallet.addOutgoingTransaction(transactionData, hashToLowercase = false)

is Result.Failure -> sendResult.toSimpleFailure()
is CompletionResult.Failure -> SimpleResult.Failure(signatureResult.error.toBlockchainSdkError())

internal companion object {
internal val VTHO_TOKEN = Token(
id = "vethor-token",
name = "VeThor",
symbol = "VTHO",
contractAddress = "0x0000000000000000000000000000456E65726779",
decimals = 18,
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import retrofit2.Response
import retrofit2.http.*

internal interface VechainApi {

suspend fun getAccount(@Path("address") address: String): VechainGetAccountResponse

suspend fun getLatestBlockInfo(): VechainLatestBlockResponse

suspend fun commitTransaction(@Body body: VechainCommitTransactionRequest): VechainCommitTransactionResponse

suspend fun getTransactionInfo(
@Path("id") transactionId: String,
@Query("pending") pending: Boolean,
): Response<VechainTransactionInfoResponse?>
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import com.squareup.moshi.Json
import com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class VechainGetAccountResponse(
@Json(name = "balance") val balance: String,
@Json(name = "energy") val energy: String,

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class VechainLatestBlockResponse(
@Json(name = "number") val number: Long,
@Json(name = "id") val blockId: String,

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class VechainCommitTransactionRequest(@Json(name = "raw") val raw: String)

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class VechainCommitTransactionResponse(@Json(name = "id") val txId: String)

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class VechainTransactionInfoResponse(@Json(name = "id") val txId: String)

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