Amazing experiments with microcontroller STM8L151 using an STM8L-Discovery development board, Jupyter Notebook, OpenOCD and REMCU lib
It is a sample of working wit GPIO of STM8L-Discovery board.
It is a sample of working wit LCD screen of STM8L-Discovery board. You can use the
void LCD_print(std::string str);
function and print a message on the LCD screen.
It is a sample that demonstrates how to use the Direct Memory Access (DMA) in the STM8L. It is provided that shows how to use the DMA with the ADC and DAC using the various transfer modes of the DMA. This notebook capture ADC data on PC7 pin of STM8L-Discovery and generate a table siganl on PF0 pin using the DAC module of STM8L-Discovery simultaneously.
Russian description :
English description : in proccess... Perhaps REMCU tutorial can help you run these notebooks.
- MacOS or Linux x64 computer or virtual machine.
- An STM8L-Discovery development board or another board with STM8L151
- ST-Link device. It is a programmer and debugger for STM8 and STM32 chips.
- 4 wires to connect ST-Link with STM8L-Discovery and USB cable to connect the Discovery board with your PC.
- An oscilloscope to display analog waves and a signal generator for ADC testing. It is optional.
- Anaconda Distribution with install xeus-cling and xplot packages.
- OpenOCD prebuild package
- REMCU library for STM8L151. Download the necessary version of REMCU Lib from download page:
Target - STM8L152C6
Library - StdPeriph_Lib
Version - 1.4.0
Operation system - MacOS/Linux
Connect the st-link to the development board using the scheme:
Connect the st-link to PC
Run OpenOCD utility: