A react-redux single page responsive application, where user can see the details of doctors of BHAKTI HUSADA Hospital and book an appointment with the doctor. A user needs to sign up and login to book/delete an appointment.
- About the Project
- Installation
- Test
- Live Link
- Built With
- Nice to have features
- Potential Future Updates
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
In this project I have developed a single page application for a Hospital with react and redux libraries. App name is BHAKTI HUSADA Hospital. A user can sign up/login to see the details of doctors and book an appointment.
App uses react router to route to different components. Backend APIs are developed with Ruby on Rails. Click here to see backend project details.
Click here to see live version
To run the app locally, clone the repository, navigate to it's directory.
git clone https://github.com/taiwo2/appointment-frontend.git
cd appointment-booking-frontend
npm install
npm start
Now go to localhost:3000 in your browser.
To run unit test run npm test
in root directory.
- React
- Redux
- React Router
- Bootstrap
- CSS Modules
- Axios
- Eslint
- Stylelint
- ES6
- React Alert
- Font-Awesome
- Heroku for Live version deployment
- User authentication using JWT
- Responsive to mobile and desktop screens
- React alert
- Department-wise doctors list
- Online fee payment
- Doctor's available slots
- Rendering Optimization
👤 Taiwo Adetona
Github: @taiwo2
LinkedIn: Taiwo Adetona
Twitter: @TaiwoAdetona4
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
- Murat Korkmaz for design
- Microverse
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.