Hello, I’m @tairabiteru, a self-taught web and backend developer living in the Great Lakes State!
My interests include:
- Software development, computer science, information systems, and server administration.
- Natural sciences like chemistry, geology, mineralogy, and biology.
- Electronics and electronic engineering, as well as embedded systems.
- Music and music theory (I play the Ocarina and the Ukulele!)
- Lingustics. I'm fluent in Spanish, and I know a little bit of Japanese.
- Camping, nature, and the great outdoors.
- Michigan! I'm madly in love with the state I grew up in, and it fills me with happiness to know that I get to live here.
- Python: I'm fluent in Python, and can write nearly anything in it. It's by far the language I'm most comfortable in, and is my language of choice for most projects. All of the most complex pieces of software I've written were written in Python, including my Discord bots.
- Javascript: I know Javascript enough to be dangerous, and I have written applications in it, though I mostly make use of it to create effects on web pages, usually with Python backends.
- HTML/CSS: Like with Javascript, I know enough to be dangerous, though admittedly, I'm no web designer. My primary competency lies with the backend. That said, I have written some frontends for my various projects using it, and I know how to troubleshoot and correct simple issues in layout.
- C++: I don't generally like to use C++. I've written small applications in C++, but generally if I can get away with using something else, I will. That said, I've taken up to advanced C++ in college. It's not that I don't know it; more that I don't like it.
- Rust: Rust is a language that I adore, but I've never written anything terribly advanced in it, and I'm admittedly clunky with it. I've written small applications with it that run on my server. In particular, I use it in places where Python's slowness can get in the way of fluid operation, but I've not written anything grand in it. Maybe someday.
- SQL: I've had a lot of exposure to SQL, and I can write simple queries, but I generally lean on ORMs to perform SQL execution for me. That said, I'm familiar with databases, schemas, and standard practices for the creation of both.
- C/Java/PHP: These are all languages I have exposure to, and I can troubleshoot simple issues with, but I've not written anything in them.