Real-time chat room application with Angular, Node.js and using mongoDB as database-as-a-Service by mLab.
Make sure that you have Node and npm installed.
After downloading and extracting or cloning the project follow these instructions:
- Under
runnpm install
. - Make sure you have angular-cli globally installed and then run
ng serve
Now angular application will run on localhost:4200
- Under
runnpm install
- Run
npm start
in order to start express server on port 3000.
Now you can launch http://localhost:4200/ from your browser and register to chat-room-app
Angular Authentication implemented with Http Client and Http Interceptors. this implementation involve user token that sent to server in every request.
Real-time functionality implemented with library.
MongoDB as database-as-a-Service by mLab using mongoose.
- Meny Taieb