- ReSwiftMonitor Browser for iOS, Mac OS. This project is heavily inspired by the FluxorExplorer.
- ReSwiftMonitor plugin is required
- Implementing ReSwiftMonitor
var middleware: [Middleware<AppState>] = {
let monitorMiddleware = MonitorMiddleware.make(configuration: Configuration())
let browserMiddleware = BrowserMiddleware.make()
return [monitorMiddleware, browserMiddleware]
return []
let store = Store<AppState>(reducer: AppState.reducer(), state: AppState(), middleware: middleware)
- Launch your Reswift application
- Launch ReSwiftMonitorBrowser
- Allow network with each device by alert
- ReSwiftMonitorBrowser & ReSwiftMonitor use multipeerconnectivity
- Must be used on the same network
There's still a lot of work to do here. We would love to see you involved. You can find all the details on how to get started in the Contributing Guide.
ReSwiftMonitorBrowser is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.