This handles incoming sign-up texts and e-mails.
The private GovWifi build repository contains instructions on how to build GovWifi end-to-end - the sites, services and infrastructure.
With each journey, we generate a unique username and password for GovWifi. These get stored and sent to the user.
- SMS signup - Users text a phone number and get a set of credentials.
- SMS help routes - Users can also ask for help from the same phone number and are sent some guides based on their selected operating system.
- Email signup - Users with a government domain email send a blank email to [email protected].
- Sponsor signup - Users with a government domain email address send through a list of email addresses and/or phone numbers to [email protected].
GET /healthcheck
- AWS ELB target group health checkingPOST /user-signup/email-notification
- AWS SES incoming email notificationsPOST /user-signup/sms-notification/notify
- Notify incoming SMS notifications
This application sends statistics to the Performance Platform for volumetrics and completion rates via a Rake task. This Rake task is triggered by an ECS scheduled task.
You can trigger statistics to be sent manually by running the command below locally. Ensure that your ~/.aws/credentials is set up correctly. Populate the date argument to the Rake task with the date that you want to send the statistics for.
aws ecs run-task --cluster wifi-api-cluster --task-definition user-signup-api-task-wifi --count 1 --overrides "{ \"containerOverrides\": [{ \"name\": \"user-signup\", \"command\": [\"bundle\", \"exec\", \"rake\", \"publish_daily_statistics['2019-02-11']\"] }] }" --network-configuration "{ \"awsvpcConfiguration\": { \"assignPublicIp\": \"ENABLED\", \"subnets\": [\"subnet-XXXXXXX\", \"subnet-XXXXXXX\"],\"securityGroups\": [\"sg-XXXXXX\"]}}" --region eu-west-2 --launch-type FARGATE
aws ecs run-task --cluster api-cluster --task-definition user-signup-api-task --count 1 --overrides "{ \"containerOverrides\": [{ \"name\": \"user-signup\", \"command\": [\"bundle\", \"exec\", \"rake\", \"publish_weekly_statistics['2018-05-03']\"] }] }" --region eu-west-2
Any user who has not logged into GovWifi for more than 12 months is considered inactive.
We have a Rake task that runs daily with ECS Scheduled tasks to ensure this happens.
bundle exec rake delete_inactive_users
- GOV.UK Notify - used to send outgoing emails and SMS replies
- MySQL database - used to store generated credentials
make test
make lint
make serve
Then access the site at http://localhost:8080/healthcheck
Once you have merged your changes into master branch, deploying them is made up of two steps:
Pushing a built image to the docker registry.
Restarting the running tasks so it picks up the latest image.
This codebase is released under the MIT License.