Dijkstra's algorithm in python
The task is to find the optimal path between different pairs of points in a given road network. Input is received on standard input separated by tabs (\t) and new lines (\n) in the following order:
the number of pairs of points between which the path must be found (p)
number of the nodes in the graph (n)
number of the links in the graph (e)
empty line
(p) lines, each of them contains two integers separated by a tab. The first number represents the ID of the starting node and the second is the ID of the the destination node
empty line
(n) lines, each of them contains two integers separated by a tab. The first number is the x and the second number is the y coordinate of the point. The first line describes the 0th node and so on
empty line
(e) lines, each of them contains two integers separated by a tab. The two numbers indicate which intersections the given road section belongs to. All roads are two-way. The length of the road is the distance between its two endpoints as the crow flies.
For each of the p routes, the optimal route according to the route length must be calculated while traveling in the given road network.
The solution must be written to the standard output. The output is a tab-separated line containing (p) numbers, where the numbers are the lengths of the shortest path. The result must be entered with two decimal places.
Example input:
2 3 3
0 2 1 2
2 0 -4 1 6 3
1 0 1 2 0 2
In the example input, 2 routes need to be calculated, there are 3 intersections (nodes) and 3 links on the map. Route 1 must be calculated from 0 to the node with ID 2. Identifiers and coordinates of nodes: 0: (2,0), 1: (-4,1), 2: (6,3). The links runs between node 1-0, 1-2 and 0-2, their lengths are: 6.08, 10.20 and 5.0.
Since our network is triangular, the optimal path is the direct path between the nodes. So the output for the example is: 5.00 10.20