NetApp Ansible Playbooks that will automate the creation of NetApp LS-Mirrors
- variables.yml
Main variables used to create Root LS-Mirrors. Change these to suit your environment
- 01_create_ls_vols.yml
This playbook is responsible for create 2 DP volumes which will be used for the root LS-Mirror
- 02_create_ls_mirror.yml
This playbook will create 2 x LS-Mirror relationships. During the creation, LS-Mirror 1 will initialize automatically.
I then allow a 20 sec pause to finish the first initialization. After 20 seconds is up, the second LS-Mirror will initialize.
- svm_ls_mirror_setup.yml
This is the main playbook file. It will run 01_create_ls_vols.yml and 02_create_ls_mirror.yml.
ansible-playbook svm_ls_mirror_setup.yml