Models and simulator for Interactive modeling site:
- Add the SBML model to the ../models/ dir
- Go to the Google sites page where you want the simulation to run.
- Embeded the template code into the page:
Template is in ../templates/sysbioTemplate.html.
Fill out the following part of the template with model simulation details:
`// **** Simulation info to fill out: ********
const modelURL = ''; // Location of sbml model file on github.
const newRT = '10'; // Length of run in model time units
const newSS = '0.10'; // integrator step size, total pts = newRt/newSS, 100 points: (10/0.10)
const staticRun = 'true'; // Display after all calculations are done.
const sliders = 'k1, p_3, comp1';// Sliders 12 max, exact id match, '' for first 8 params and first 4 species of model.
const spPlot = 'S1, deS2, Oxy2'; // Species to plot, exact id match, '' for first up to 8 species.
const yLabel = 'conc (uM)'; // Plot label, displayed at bottom as: yLabel vs. xLabel
const xLabel = 'sec';
// *** END of Simulation info to fill out *** `
Insert the whole template, including the load button and iframe information into the page.
- Save and publish page. Check page out to confirm model loads and runs as expected.
- Add new simulator files to ../simulator
- Make sure ../simulator/index.html exists, this is the launch point for the simulator.