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Cordova plugin for face-detection using google mobile vision face API

This plugin was made possible because of google mobile vision face API. This plugin is absolutely free and will work offline once install is complete. All required files required for Face detection are downloaded during install if necessary space is available.

This plugin defines a global face object, which provides an method that accepts image uri or base64 inputs. If some faces was detected in the image, this faces will be returned as a JSON Object (see further documentation for the format). The imageuri or base64 can be send to the plugin using any another plugin like cordova-plugin-camera or cordova-plugin-document-scanner. Although the object is attached to the global scoped window, it is not available until after the deviceready event.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS (TODO)

Installation Steps

TODO (only manual installation from source code for now)

Plugin Usage

face.recFace(sourceType,  uriOrBase, successCallback, errorCallback)
  • face.recFace The face.recFace function accepts image data as uri or base64 and uses google mobile vision to recognize faces and return the recognized faces as JSON Object on its successcallback.

  • sourceType The sourceType parameter can take values 0,1,2,3 or 4 each of which are explained in detail in the table below. sourceType is an Int within the native code.

sourceType uriOrBase Accuracy Recommendation Notes
0 NORMFILEURI Very High Recommended On android this is same as NORMNATIVEURI
1 NORMNATIVEURI Very High Not Recommended (See note below) On android this is same as NORMFILEURI
2 FASTFILEURI Very Low Not Recommended On android this is same as FASTNATIVEURI. Compression allows for faster processing but sacrifices a lot of accuracy.
3 FASTNATIVEURI Very Low Not Recommended On android this is same as FASTFILEURI. Compression allows for faster processing but sacrifices a lot of accuracy.
4 BASE64 Very High Not Recommended Extremely memory intensive and thus not recommended

Note :- NORMNATIVEURI & FASTNATIVEURI for iOS uses deprecated methods to access images. This is to support the camera plugin which still uses the deprecated methods to return native image URI's using ALAssetsLibrary. This plugin uses non deprecated PHAsset library whose deprecated method fetchAssets(withALAssetURLs:options:) is used to retrieve the image data.

  • uriOrBase The plugin accepts image uri or base64 data in uriOrBase which is obtained from another plugin like cordova-plugin-document-scanner or cordova-plugin-camera. This uriOrBase is then used by the plugin and via google mobile vision, it detects the faces on the image. The data required for face detector is initially downloaded when the app is first installed.

  • successCallback The return value is sent to the successCallback callback function, in string format if no errors occured.

  • errorCallback The errorCallback function returns Scan Failed: Found no faces to scan if no faces was detected on the image. It also return other messages based on the error conditions.

Working Examples


Return Object

The success callback will return a JSON Object in the format


Where faces in an array of Face objects.

Face Object

A Face object has the following format:

  // face ID
  "id": INTEGER,

  // top position of the face within the image
  "x": FLOAT,

  // left position of the face within the image
  "y": FLOAT,
  // rotation of the face about the vertical axis of the image
  "eulerY": FLOAT,
  // rotation of the face about the axis pointing out of the image
  "eulerZ": FLOAT,
  // width of the face region in pixels
  "width": FLOAT,
  // height of the face region in pixels
  "height": FLOAT,
  // value between 0.0 and 1.0 giving a probability that the face's left eye is open
  "leftEyeOpenProbability": FLOAT,
  // value between 0.0 and 1.0 giving a probability that the face's right eye is open
  "rightEyeOpenProbability": FLOAT,
  // value between 0.0 and 1.0 giving a probability that the face is smiling
  "smilingProbability": FLOAT,
  // array of contours object (eyes, nose, etc.) found on the face
  // array of landmarks object (eyes, nose, etc.) found on the face

Contour Object

A set of points that outlines a facial landmark or region such as eye, face, or lips.

When 'left' and 'right' are used, they are relative to the subject. For example, the LEFT_EYE contour is the subject's left eye, not the eye that is on the left when viewing the image.

  // type of contour
  // array of (x, y) positions of the contour where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image.
  "positions": [
      "x": FLOAT,
      "y": FLOAT

Contour Type

  • 1 means FACE The outline of the subject's face
  • 2 means LEFT_EYEBROW_TOP The top outline of the subject's left eyebrow
  • 3 means LEFT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's left eyebrow
  • 4 means RIGHT_EYEBROW_TOP The top outline of the subject's right eyebrow
  • 5 means RIGHT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's right eyebrow
  • 6 means LEFT_EYE The outline of the subject's left eye cavity
  • 7 means RIGHT_EYE The outline of the subject's right eye cavity
  • 8 means UPPER_LIP_TOP The top outline of the subject's upper lip
  • 9 means UPPER_LIP_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's upper lip
  • 10 means LOWER_LIP_TOP The top outline of the subject's lower lip
  • 11 means LOWER_LIP_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's lower lip
  • 12 means NOSE_BRIDGE The outline of the subject's nose bridge
  • 13 means NOSE_BOTTOM The outline of the subject's nose bridge

Landmark Object

A point on a detected face, such as an eye, nose, or mouth.

When 'left' and 'right' are used, they are relative to the subject. For example, the LEFT_EYE landmark is the subject's left eye, not the eye that is on the left when viewing the image.

  // type of landmark
  // (x, y) positions of the contour where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image.
  "position": {
    "x": FLOAT,
    "y": FLOAT

Landmark type

  • 0 means BOTTOM_MOUTH The center of the subject's bottom lip
  • 1 means LEFT_CHEEK The midpoint between the subject's left mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's left eye
  • 2 means LEFT_EAR_TIP Treating the top of the subject's left ear as a circle, this is the point at 45 degrees around the circle in Cartesian coordinates
  • 3 means LEFT_EAR The midpoint of the subject's left ear tip and left ear lobe
  • 4 means LEFT_EYE The center of the subject's left eye cavity
  • 5 means LEFT_MOUTH The subject's left mouth corner where the lips meet
  • 6 means NOSE_BASE The midpoint between the subject's nostrils where the nose meets the face
  • 7 means RIGHT_CHEEK The midpoint between the subject's right mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's right eye
  • 8 means RIGHT_EAR_TIP Treating the top of the subject's right ear as a circle, this is the point at 135 degrees around the circle in Cartesian coordinates
  • 9 means RIGHT_EAR The midpoint of the subject's right ear tip and right ear lobe
  • 10 means RIGHT_EYE The center of the subject's right eye cavity
  • 11 means RIGHT_MOUTH The subject's right mouth corner where the lips meet


Cordova plugin for face-detection using google mobile vision face API







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