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A tech radar implementation website based on hugo.

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Tech radar

You can play with a version of the radar deployed on netlify here

What ?

The Radar is a document that sets out the changes that are currently interesting regarding software development.
It is published by a company called Thoughtworks.
You can find more information about it here.

Why ?

I have developed this radar because in many organizations we want to document the usage of technologies in an easy way. People who wants to document something just need to push a new md file in the repository.



How to use it ?

The tech radar is built based on the elements specified in the content folder :
To add new content to the radar :

  • Create a new md file under the desired category folder in the content folder
    • languages-frameworks
    • platforms
    • techniques
    • tools
  • Add meta data to the file in the front matter (in toml format)
name= [name of the concept]
image= [relative image url]
category= [Languages-Frameworks or Platforms or Techniques or Tools]
ring= [Invest or Tolerate or Migrate or Eliminate]
  • Add details to the file
    • What is it ? : Describe the concept / technology
    • Why ? : Explain why is it useful and when
    • For who ? : Make a list of roles that could be positively impacted by this technology (ex: Product Owner, Developers, ...)
    • Resources : Useful resources on this technology
    • Contacts : Make a list of teams or people using the technology (people that could help on the topic in the near future)

File example

A file should look like this :

name= "Angular"
image= "/images/languages-frameworks/angular.png"
category= "Languages-Frameworks"
ring= "Tolerate"

# What is it ?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra ultricies lectus vitae elementum. Suspendisse neque nisl, venenatis vel nunc cursus, pharetra finibus elit. In aliquam nisl eu sapien pulvinar, ac ultrices justo tincidunt. Maecenas sed ipsum libero. Nulla porttitor, magna ac efficitur vestibulum, urna neque porttitor velit, ac imperdiet elit mauris vel neque. Vivamus et scelerisque libero. Aenean imperdiet dignissim viverra. Phasellus aliquet diam et velit auctor mollis. In pulvinar dolor tristique mollis dignissim. Nullam et sem ac odio interdum vehicula sed vel est.

Fusce vel malesuada neque, ut porttitor nulla. Etiam maximus consectetur bibendum. Aliquam vestibulum elementum elit eu lacinia. Sed at tristique enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla hendrerit sed magna et vehicula. Aenean rutrum placerat diam sit amet pharetra. Cras tristique aliquam augue sit amet volutpat. In finibus lobortis rutrum. Phasellus fringilla rutrum tortor, at convallis lacus maximus eu. Nam et hendrerit ligula.

# Why ?
Sed ullamcorper nibh eget massa dapibus hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut eu ornare ipsum. Aenean molestie metus non orci faucibus pulvinar. Pellentesque maximus urna diam, vitae consectetur sapien sagittis id. Etiam enim erat, egestas id congue ut, dapibus ut lorem. Aenean scelerisque ligula id arcu rhoncus, id pharetra libero ultricies. Donec varius porta risus, a posuere libero fringilla a. Etiam id felis eu mauris euismod ullamcorper id ac massa. Aenean commodo pretium ex, et hendrerit ex pulvinar vel. Nam in nibh in eros maximus auctor. Maecenas lacus ipsum, porttitor vitae nisl ut, venenatis viverra ante. Mauris lacinia posuere sem in auctor. Quisque sed ultricies magna. Aliquam eu mauris commodo, ullamcorper turpis vestibulum, hendrerit augue.

# For who ?
* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
* Nulla mattis metus a turpis fermentum, at fermentum mauris porttitor.
* Morbi porttitor magna dictum condimentum faucibus.
* Donec eget diam pharetra, hendrerit velit quis, sodales massa.
* Sed dictum nunc eu ipsum consequat, ac rutrum lectus consequat.
* Duis ut arcu mollis, pellentesque lacus eu, malesuada ante.

# Resources
- [Cheat sheet](
- [Learn angular](

# Contacts
- [Yoan Thirion](

Once you have created a new file, you can push it. The related item will be presented on the radar.

Update the radar javascript

If you want to customize the rendering of the radar, the javascript source code of the radar is available here

To integrate the built code you have to : Paste the generated script in the /layouts/_default/radar.htmlscript part

Setup your dev environment

Install hugo or simply add the binary file at the root of the repository

Serve the radar

hugo -w server

Build the website

hugo --config prod.toml


A tech radar implementation website based on hugo.






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