- Build and Run Container
docker compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml up --build
(add flag --remove-orphans to kill deserted images of cygnet) - run
ssh -L localhost:3306: gull
to direct traffic to server (whitelisted for ITS databse) - Visit http://localhost:3000 As you edit project files, the page should update dynamically (no need to reload!). ctrl+s multiple times to reset pool connection as needed.
(Ensure Traefik is set up)
- Build and Run Container (Daemonized)
docker compose up --build -d
(Once active dev is done, we can just push built container and pull it) - Visit https://cygnetv2.sccs.swarthmore.edu This will NOT update dynamically and needs to be rebuilt to get changes. This ensures version-locking and fully containerized environment.
NOTE: This creates an optimized (and secure) production build. Don't run devserver in prod!