A python script to manage groups of VMs from vSphere.
It's a wrapper for using pyvmomi
The idea behind it is to be able to take/revert to/delete/list snapshots, poweron and off groups of VMs. This is useful when used in a test environment, not intended for production.
- Python 3.4+
- cmd2
- pyvmomi
RUN help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
_relative_load help py savegroup
addvm history pyscript set
loadgroup load quit shell
cmdenvironment poweron removevm shortcuts
connect printallvms removesnapshot show
edit printcurrentsnapshot revertcurrent shutdown
getstate printgroup run takesnapshot
gotosnapshot printsnapshots save
The same commands used in an interactive session can be passed as parameters:
Trying to connect to VCENTER SERVER . . .
Connected to VCENTER SERVER !
║ TestVM1 ║
└── [23] Snapshot1
└── [24] test
└── [25] test3
└── [26] Snapshot2
└── [33] AnotherTest2
└── [34] Clean
└── [35] Test123
└── [36] More
└── [41] test5
└── You are Here
║ TestVM2 ║
└── [1] Clean
└── [2] More
└── [3] Test
└── [4] Snapshot1
└── [5] Test123
└── You are Here
└── [15] Clean2
└── [16] test3
└── [21] test5
Shutdowns GuestOS of the VMs in the group, then quits
./pyvmgr.py "connect user:[email protected]" "loadgroup test" shutdown quit
Trying to connect to VCENTER SERVER . . .
Connected to VCENTER SERVER !
Shutting down VM: TestVM1
Shutting down VM: TestVM2
A few commands in the interactive view:
RUN connect
Enter vCenter Server name or IP address:vcenter.priv
Enter vCenter Username:username
Enter the password for user username at vCenter server vcenter.priv:
Trying to connect to VCENTER SERVER . . .
Connected to VCENTER SERVER !
RUN loadgroup test
RUN getstate
VM Name: TestVM1
VM Name: TestVM2
RUN poweron
Powering UP VM TestVM1
Powering UP VM TestVM2