This extension helps creating new stencils for
- Exports each layer as component svg-file
- Choose which layers to export.
- Automated file naming.
- Optionally creates a stencil-meta.json
- Optionally creates a front page index.html
- Optionally creates a
- Optionally creates a Github Pages Action configuration file
- Optionally creates a Gitlab Pages CI configuration file
Download this project and copy the extension files (svg_stencil_export.inx
) to the config path of your Inkscape installation.
One simple way of finding the config path is to open Inkscape and go to **Edit
Preferences > System**. The path will be listed in the User extensions field. Make sure you restart Inkscape after you copied the extension files at the desired location and the extension will be available in the extensions menu.
The default path on Linux is:
If you installed the flatpak version:
The path on Windows 10 is this:
If you don't see the AppData folder, you need to set the windows explorer to show hidden files.
After the extension is installed, it can be found in the Extensions menu, Export submenu.
- Create a new git repo on github and clone this repo on your computer.
- Open Inkscape.
- Place all the components of your stencil on a separate layer.
- Open the SVG Stencil Export Extension from the Extension menu
- Select the cloned repository folder and make sure the rest of the Export components tab looks like this.
- Make sure the Meta information tab looks like this:
- Make sure the Publish tab looks like this:
- Click apply
- Add, commit and push all new files in the git repo
- On Github configure the repo to use the gh-pages branch for github pages.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
This extensions was based on svg_stencil Export