Use this SDK to add real-time video, audio and data features to your Unity app. By connecting to a self- or cloud-hosted LiveKit server, you can quickly build applications like interactive live streaming or video calls with just a few lines of code.This SDK is currently in Developer Preview mode and not ready for production use. There will be bugs and APIs may change during this period.
We welcome and appreciate any feedback or contributions. You can create issues here or chat live with us in the #rust-developer-preview channel within the LiveKit Community Slack.
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux
- iOS
- Android
- WebGL
We plan to support all Unity platforms with this SDK. WebGL is currently supported with client-sdk-unity-web.
Follow this unity tutorial using the
You can then directly import the samples into the package manager.
This repo uses Git LFS, please ensure it's installed when cloning the repo.
You can find examples in the unity-example.
using LiveKit;
IEnumerator Start()
var room = new Room();
room.TrackSubscribed += TrackSubscribed;
var connect = room.Connect("ws://localhost:7880", "<join-token>");
yield return connect;
if (!connect.IsError)
Debug.Log("Connected to " + room.Name);
// Publish Microphone
var source = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
source.clip = Microphone.Start("MacBook Pro Microphone", true, 2, 48000);
source.loop = true;
var rtcSource = new RtcAudioSource(Source);
var track = LocalAudioTrack.CreateAudioTrack("my-track", rtcSource);
var options = new TrackPublishOptions();
options.Source = TrackSource.SourceMicrophone;
var publish = room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, options);
yield return publish;
if (!publish.IsError)
Debug.Log("Track published!");
var rt = new UnityEngine.RenderTexture(1920, 1080, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
Camera.main.targetTexture = rt;
var source = new TextureVideoSource(rt);
var track = LocalVideoTrack.CreateVideoTrack("my-track", source);
var options = new TrackPublishOptions();
options.VideoCodec = VideoCodec.H264;
options.Source = TrackSource.SourceCamera;
var publish = _room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, options);
yield return publish;
if (!publish.IsError)
Debug.Log("Track published!");
IEnumerator Start()
var room = new Room();
room.TrackSubscribed += TrackSubscribed;
var connect = room.Connect("ws://localhost:7880", "<join-token>");
yield return connect;
// ....
void TrackSubscribed(IRemoteTrack track, RemoteTrackPublication publication, RemoteParticipant participant)
if (track is RemoteVideoTrack videoTrack)
var rawImage = GetComponent<RawImage>();
var stream = new VideoStream(videoTrack);
stream.TextureReceived += (tex) =>
rawImage.texture = tex;
// The video data is displayed on the rawImage
else if (track is RemoteAudioTrack audioTrack)
var source = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
var stream = new AudioStream(audioTrack, source);
// Audio is being played on the source ..