It is just meta package which depends on Feuerlabs/exometer_core, travelping/exometer_influxdb and configures some VM metrics like this:
system_info port_count
system_info process_count
system_info thread_pool_size
statistics run_queue
statistics garbage_collection
statistics io
memory total
memory processes
memory ets
memory binary
memory atom
memory atom_used
memory maximum
`--> travelping/exometer_influxdb
`--> Feuerlabs/exometer_core
`--> basho/lager
| `--> DeadZen/goldrush
`--> uwiger/parse_trans
| `--> uwiger/edown
`--> eproxus/meck
`--> boundary/folsom
| `--> boundary/bear
`--> uwiger/setup
| `--> uwiger/edown
`--> benoitc/hackney
`--> benoitc/erlang-idna
`--> benoitc/mimerl
`--> benoitc/metrics
`--> certifi/erlang-certifi
`--> deadtrickster/ssl_verify_hostname
Add metricman to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do [{:metricman, github: "xerions/metricman"}] end
Ensure metricman is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:metricman]] end
Include the metricman configuration to your config.exs:
try do import_config "../deps/metricman/config/config.exs" rescue _ in _ -> :skip end
And you can add your own exometer reporter in your config.exs:
config :exometer_core, :report, reporters: [ {:exometer_report_influxdb, [{:protocol, :http}, {:host, "localhost"}, {:port, 8086}, {:db, "exometer"}, {:tags, [{:region, :ru}]}]} ]
or for InfluxDB you can use conform config:
influx.db = influx.tags = node:node_name,region:de influx.batch_window_size = 50
See this for more information about configuring the reportes plugins.