It contains the boilerplate of React Native Navigation along with redux and redux-persist.
- Latest android studio and SDK setup
- Android simulator running in the background
- XCode 9+ (If you have a mac)
- Yarn
- watchman
- react-native-cli
- Node V8+
- An IDE (preferrably Atom)
To install all of the above,
- Go to
- Click on Building Projects with Native Code
- Follow the steps to install dependencies
Following dependencies are used -react -react-native -react-native-navigation -redux-immutable-state-invariant -react-redux -redux -redux-logger -redux-persist -redux-thunk -seamless-immutable -react-native-ui-lib
Ravi Kumar
Rename the project by the following commands
- Install react-native-rename npm globally
- Run react-native-rename 'Your Project Name' -b 'your package name' eg: react-native-rename ReactApp -b com.reactApp