The main purpose of this component is to offer an easy to use user interface in order to facilitate the access to the main functionality of the tool. This component also allows to the end user to provide the additional information required by the tool (e.g., the resources available for each release).
The following steps describe the installation procedure for the Replan dashboard
- Clone the SUPERSEDE Replan Git repository.
git clone
- Build the project.
cd release-planner-app/
./gradlew build
Note: in step 2, you will need credentials to access to some of the dependencies specified in the Gradle project. Please contact with the SUPERSEDE Technical Integrator for more details: [email protected]
- Copy the dashboard war file to the Tomcat directory.
cp <generated WAR> <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/release-planner-app.war
- Run Tomcat.
Contact: Danilo Valerio [email protected]