This will not be worked on
This issue is resolved but can't be deployed as it is being blocked by another issue
Something isn't working as intended
Frontend issue with display or functionality specific to Chrome
Not an issue with code, due to content. To be fixed by editing content
A design change is required to complete this issue
An issue with display or functionality on a desktop sized screen
This should not be merged, it may cause problems
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Frontend issue with display or functionality specific to Edge
A modification to a current feature or functionality
This issue is an intended feature
Frontend issue with display or functionality specific to Firefox
Extra attention is needed
This issue should be resolved as quickly as possible
Not going to be worked on now, but stored for later
This issue is not causing any immediate problems and can be addressed later
An issue with display or functionality on a mobile sized screen
More information is required to solve this issue, please see the comments
Frontend issue with display or functionality specific to another browser
This is a performance problem, optimisation required
A specific question has been asked that needs to be answered before this issue can be completed
This issue is a quote, not to be resolved until this label is removed.
Frontend issue with display or functionality specific to Safari
An issue with display or functionality on a tablet sized screen
This issue or pull request is just for testing purposes
Issue is ready to be assigned to team member