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@supermaxiste supermaxiste released this 25 Jan 09:23
· 22 commits to master since this release

New version of ARPEGGIO formatted following the new code standards available via the snakemake --lint command. In addition all the tools have been updated to their latest versio and minor fixes have been implemented. For details see the log below:

Updates in ARPEGGIO v3:



  • Added minimum Snakemake version requirement (5.20.1 shown also with badge on Readme)
  • Added temporary files in the methylation extraction rules to remove large unused context files and save disk space
  • Added --scaffolds option to prevent errors by Bismark when using unfinished genomes (new option added to config file as well)
  • Fixed input conditions for DIPLOID_ONLY and POLYPLOID_ONLY modes
  • Updated tools' versions:
 trim-galore=0.6.5 -> 0.6.6
 fastqc=0.11.8 -> 0.11.9
 bismark=0.22.3 -> 0.23.0
 samtools=1.10 -> 1.11
 multiqc=1.8 -> 1.9
 bioconductor-dmrseq=1.6.0 -> 1.10.0
 r-base=3.6.2 -> 4.0.3
 r-data.table=1.12.8 -> 1.13.6
 bedtools=2.29.1 -> 2.29.2
 r-stringi=1.4.3 -> 1.5.3