This is a simple chess engine written in Python, created for my CS F407 AI course project.
It uses minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to search the game tree. Since the maximal time limit per move was set to 20 sec, this agent uses iterative deepening to search the game tree upto the maximal depth possible in the given of time.
The scores for each minimax level are decided by a robust evaluation function that takes into account the piece numbers, piece positions, piece mobility, pawn structure, centralization, castling bonus, king safety, etc.
The engine is UCI compatible and can be played against another UCI compliant engine using arena.py
python3 arena.py
to play engine 1 with engine 2. (both the engines are configured to Chess_Agent.py intially). -
To use your engine, import the necessary engine in arena.py and replace either white or black with your engine.
The engine base is inspired from the Let's create a Chess AI
Additionally, the python-chess library can be looked up here: python-chess