For Data Science roles: Create any application on iOS or android that showcase your knowledge of machine learning/data analytics. Make use of price data of commodities by dropping an email to [email protected]
For Software Engineering roles: Create a Q & A application that has the following functionality.
- a user can ask a question
- a user can answer a question Real-time is preferred.
You can write this application in whatever languages you prefer. For Backend developers: We like Python, Erlang (but we really don't mind if you write it in other languages) For iOS and Android developers: Do you even have another choice?
Things to look out: Using a frontend framework like angularjs would be a bonus Using a backend framework like flask would be a bonus We look out for maintainability of your code.
You should fork this repository and put your work there. This exercise should take no longer than 2 days. However, you are not timed and you can send us a pull request whenever you finish. (If you have something live going on, even better!)