Simplified Vue3 Implementation:
To start the project demo: Locate the corresponding directory and use liveServer to launch the HTML file in the "dist" directory.
- reactivity
- nested reactive
- readonly
- effect
- effect.scheduler
- effect.stop
- computed
- watch
- watchEffect
- Implementation of the onCleanup callback for watch and watchEffect
- track
- trigger
- isReactive
- isReadonly
- isProxy
- toRaw
- ref
- effectScope
- Asynchronous update/batch processing with queueJobb
- Implementation of the h function
- Implementation of createVNode
- Implementation of the renderer function
- Initial mounting of elements
- patchElement (regular tag elements, components, text nodes, comments, fragments)
- diff
- Mounting and update process of components
- nextTick
- Implementation of component setup, props, attrs, emit, expose
- Support for Vue2-style component data() {}
- Implementation of component instance properties: $el, $data, $proxy, $slots
- provide
- inject
- DOM manipulation implementation
- event
- class
- style
- props
- attrs