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suncloudsmoon edited this page Dec 8, 2024 · 1 revision


The PasswordPrompt form is a dialogue window designed to prompt users for a password input. It is part of the TextForge namespace and serves as a security measure to authenticate user actions or access within the application.

Public Members


  • Password: A read-only property that retrieves the text entered in the password textbox. This property accesses the Text property of the PasswordTextBox control, which should be configured to handle password input appropriately (e.g., setting the PasswordChar property to mask the input).


  • PasswordPrompt(): The constructor for the PasswordPrompt form. It initializes the components of the form and handles any exceptions that may occur during initialization.

Private Members


  • OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e): An event handler for the click event of the OK button. It closes the form after handling any potential exceptions.


  • OkButton.Click: Handles the click event of the OK button, which closes the form.

Exception Handling

Both the form initialization in the constructor and the OK button click event have exception handling mechanisms in place. Any exceptions that occur during these operations are caught, and error messages are displayed using the CommonUtils.DisplayError(ex) method.


  • CommonUtils: This class is used to display error messages when exceptions occur during form initialization or button clicks. Ensure that this class is available and properly implemented.

Code Snippet

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace TextForge
    public partial class PasswordPrompt : Form
        public string Password { get { return this.PasswordTextBox.Text; } }

        public PasswordPrompt()
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch (Exception ex)