Built for the Udacity Blockchain Nanodegree Program ND1309 Project 6B
- Truffle v5.3.4 (core: 5.3.4)
- Solidity - ^0.8.0 (solc-js)
- Node v14.15.4
- Web3.js v1.3.5
- Truffle HD Wallet Provider (@truffle/hdwallet-provider) v1.4.0
- DotEnv (Read .env files from environment) v9.0.2
- React v16.11.0
- Grommet (UI Library) v2.17.2
- Lodash (utility library) v4.17.21
- Styled components (CSS in JS) v5.3.0
- Web3 v1.2.2
Contract Address - 0x6f18092D3f52D2d2748Cca26A4592F7A310deF9b Tx Hash - 0x0223264ef5fbab26896c46aa8875b90607c03cba6d62503be92dd9d704e0d4eb
The following steps build the project locally
First we need to create a .env
file at the root of the project directory since it is used to add the a mnemonic and infura key to the project for deployment on a network. Add them as:
MNEMONIC=<Your mnemonic string>
PROJECT_ID=<Your Project ID from Infura to deploy on a public network>
Use the mnemonic saved in .env or any other based on your requirement
ganache-cli -m "<your mnemonic>"
truffle compile
Deploys locally
truffle migrate
Run Tests
truffle test
Since there isn't a sign up mechanism for users to register themselves in a particular role (like Farmer, Distributor, Retiler or Consumer), we're going to add addreses manually.
Enter the truffle console with
truffle console
Now inside the console, use
let contract = await SupplyChain.deployed()
This will save a reference to the deployed instance of the contract. Now we can proceed with adding addresses to various roles manually, like this -
Entering these commands will produce outputs to the console similar to
cd client
npm start
In order to use the Dapp with the various configured roles, we will need to add the accounts to Metamask manually.