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CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage Gem Version


This is a Ruby-based CLI for interacting with the Stanford Digital Repository API. The code for the SDR API server is at

This provides a way for consumers to easily and correctly deposit files to the SDR without requiring access to the /dor NFS mount or to use Hydrus. A primary design goal was for this to have as few dependencies as possible so that it can be easily distributed by gem install sdr-client and then it can be used as a CLI.


Ruby 3 is required. The latest 3.x release is recommended.

gem install sdr-client Note that some commands require the lastest version of the client. Use this command to update the client as necessary.


Get general help (e.g., list out commands):

sdr help
# or:
sdr -h
# or:
sdr --help

Get help for a specific command:

sdr help register

Log in:

sdr login --url https://sdr-api-server:3000

You will be prompted for an email and password. Note that this is for an SDR API account, not SUNET account.

Display version of sdr-client:

sdr version

Register a new object:

sdr register file1.png file2.png --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 \
  --label 'hey there' \
  --admin-policy 'druid:bk123gh4567' \
  --collection 'druid:gh456kw9876' \
  --source-id 'googlebooks:stanford_12345'

Deposit (register + accession) a new object:

sdr deposit file1.png file2.png --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 \
  --label 'hey there' \
  --admin-policy 'druid:bk123gh4567' \
  --collection 'druid:gh456kw9876' \
  --source-id 'googlebooks:stanford_12345'

Deposit a new object, providing metadata for files:

sdr deposit image42.jp2 ocr.html --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 \
  --label 'hey there' \
  --files-metadata '{"image42.jp2":{"mime_type":"image/jp2"},"ocr.html":{"use":"transcription"}}'
  --admin-policy 'druid:bk123gh4567' \
  --collection 'druid:gh456kw9876' \
  --source-id 'googlebooks:stanford_12345'

View the object:

sdr get druid:bw581ng3176 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000
{"type":"","externalIdentifier":"druid:bw581ng3176","label":"Something something better title","version":1,"access":{"view":"stanford","copyright":"This work is copyrighted by the creator.","download":"stanford","useAndReproductionStatement":"This document is available only to the Stanford faculty, staff and student community."},"administrative":{"hasAdminPolicy":"druid:zx485kb6348"},"description":{"title":[{"value":"Something something better title"}],"contributor":[{"name":[{"value":"Hodge, Amy"}],"type":"person","role":[{"value":"Author"},{"value":"author","uri":"","source":{"code":"marcrelator","uri":""}},{"value":"Creator"}]}],"form":[{"structuredValue":[{"value":"Text","type":"type"},{"value":"Report","type":"subtype"}],"type":"resource type","source":{"value":"Stanford self-deposit resource types"}},{"value":"reports","type":"genre","uri":"","source":{"code":"aat"}},{"value":"text","type":"resource type","source":{"value":"MODS resource types"}}],"note":[{"value":";alkdfjlsadkjf;l","type":"summary"},{"value":"[email protected]","type":"contact","displayLabel":"Contact"}],"subject":[{"value":"lkfj","type":"topic"},{"value":";kfj","type":"topic"},{"value":"fjwelkb","type":"topic"}]},"identification":{"sourceId":"hydrus:20"},"structural":{"contains":[{"type":"","externalIdentifier":"bw581ng3176_1","label":"Test file","version":1,"structural":{"contains":[{"type":"","externalIdentifier":"druid:bw581ng3176/test.txt","label":"test.txt","filename":"test.txt","size":11,"version":1,"hasMimeType":"text/plain","hasMessageDigests":[{"type":"sha1","digest":"5d39343e4bb48abd97f759828282f5ebbac56c5e"},{"type":"md5","digest":"63b8812b0c05722a9d6c51cbd2bfb54b"}],"access":{"view":"world","download":"world"},"administrative":{"sdrPreserve":true,"shelve":true}}]}}]}}

Update an object:

# Change admin policy object (APO)
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --admin-policy druid:bx911tp9024

# Change collection
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --collection druid:pb756dt1672

# Change copyright
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --copyright "Here is a new copyright statement"

# Change use and reproduction statement
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --use-and-reproduction "Here are the terms of use..."

# Change license
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --license ""

# Change access controls
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --view "location-based" --download "none" --location "music" --cdl false

# Change Cocina wholesale, either:
# 1. From a file
sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --cocina-file bb408qn5061.json
# 2. Piped in on the command-line
sdr get druid:b408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 | exe/remove_w3cdtf_encoding_from_event_dates | sdr update druid:bb408qn5061 --url https://sdr-api-server:3000 --cocina-pipe
# Note that you can use either of these flags with the others above, and the flags above will replace what's supplied in the cocina file or pipe


To test running sdr-client against the SDR API, which itself has dependencies on other SDR services, we tend to test against our running SDR QA environment. Make sure you are connected to VPN throughout your testing, and pass as the value to the --url flag for the commands above.

WARNING: if you omit the --url flag, the sdr-client CLI by default operates against the production environment.