A hosted text-editor that can be used to share the typed text through url and get html code from the typed text.
$ npm i $ nodemonconnect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI of your own from mlab or use locally
-> app.js file line:18 -> var db = require('monk')(process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://:@ds129321.mlab.com:29321/collection-name'); ->router/editor.js file line:5 -> var db = require('monk')('mongodb://:@ds129321.mlab.com:29321/collection-name');
Go to: [Text Editor](https://warm-island-53824.herokuapp.com/) -> To get Source Code of the text typed, click on "Source" button. -> To share the text through URL, click on "Get Link" and "Copy to Clipboard" on Redirected page. You can send the Copied URL to anyone with the same formatting...
On the way to make things easier