Current version 1.2.0
Support Bootstrap 3 & 4
- Easy to use, mixing the ideas of useraccounts configuration and accounts-ui that everyone already knows and loves.
- Components are everywhere, and extensible by replacing them on Accounts.ui.
- Basic routing included, redirections when the user clicks a link in an email or when signing in or out.
- Unstyled is the default, no CSS included.
- No password sign up and sign in are included.
- Extra fields is now supported.
- Extending to make your own custom form, for your app, or as a package, all components can be extended and customized.
- States API makes it possible to use the form on different routes, say you want the login on one route and signup on another, just set the inital state and the links (either globally or per component by using the props).
- React Router is fully supported, see the example how to use with React Router.
- FlowRouter is fully supported, see the example how to use with FlowRouter.
- Server Side Rendering is easily setup, see how it's done with FlowRouter (SSR). An example for React Router using react-router-ssr coming shortly.
meteor add std:accounts-bootstrap
We support the standard configuration in the account-ui package. But have extended with some new options.
meteor add accounts-password
meteor add twbs:bootstrap
meteor add fortawesome:fontawesome
meteor add std:accounts-bootstrap
import React from 'react';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/std:accounts-ui';
passwordSignupFields: 'NO_PASSWORD',
loginPath: '/',
if (Meteor.isClient) {
ReactDOM.render(<Accounts.ui.LoginForm />, document.body)
meteor add accounts-password
meteor add twbs:bootstrap
meteor add fortawesome:fontawesome
meteor add std:accounts-bootstrap
meteor add kadira:flow-router-ssr
import React from 'react';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/std:accounts-ui';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router-ssr';
passwordSignupFields: 'NO_PASSWORD',
loginPath: '/login',
onSignedInHook: () => FlowRouter.go('/general'),
onSignedOutHook: () => FlowRouter.go('/')
FlowRouter.route("/login", {
action(params) {
mount(MainLayout, {
content: <Accounts.ui.LoginForm />
Made by the creative folks at Studio Interact