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Releases: strvcom/eslint-config-javascript


21 Jan 12:11
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New rules

Rule changes

  • no-extra-parens: Now ignores multiline JSX components. If you had this rule disabled due to conflict with jsx/wrap-multilines, you can re-enable this rule now. (b17c5bc)
  • Move the following rules to coding-styles/fixable: (5491496)
    • no-else-return


09 Jan 13:31
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Rule Changes

  • Disable capitalized-comments (#15): 172ecc2
  • Disable line-comment-position (#15): c70ec26
  • Move the following rules to coding-styles/fixable: 678bede
    • no-unneeded-ternary
    • operator-linebreak


09 Jan 11:32
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  • Adds support for .es file extensions when resolving module paths


12 Dec 12:08
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New rules

Changed rules


28 Nov 10:30
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New rulesets

New rules

Rule changes

  • func-names: Relaxed, now requires function names only when no name can be inferred automatically from the code
  • newline-after-var: Has been disabled. The rule was enabled due to variable hoisting for var statements - vars should be placed on top of the function and separating these statements from the rest of the code made it better readable. Now that we have let and const, it's generally better to declare them as needed, then use them right away. Therefore, this rule made such code harder to read.


10 Nov 19:54
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  • Updates settings section for the import plugin


10 Nov 19:52
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This release includes many epic improvements and changes. Actually it's so epic that everyone's current configuration will break spectacularly. 🎉

New configuration structure

Each platform now has only two configuration files:

  • vXX: A version-specific configuration file with recommended set of rules
  • optional: An optional configuration file with some extra rules not considered to have major impact if not followed

The best-practices rulesets have been removed. Many rules' levels have been lowered to warnings and moved into one of the above-mentioned rulesets. Some rules have been completely turned off.

Action needed:

  • Check out available rulesets in README for details on and update your .eslintrc.js files.

Fixable coding styles ruleset

There is a new coding style ruleset, @strv/javascript/coding-styles/fixable. This is ideal for converting existing codebase. You can include this in your configuration and have ESLint automatically fix all issues for you instead of rewriting your code manually.

Plugins are now included with this ruleset

In earlier versions you had to install some ESLint plugins to enable some rules. This is no longer necessary as the plugins are now included with this package.

Actions needed:

  • Remove eslint-plugin-import and eslint-plugin-react deps from your package.json files
  • Remove plugins section from your .eslintrc.js configuration files (unless you have other plugins installed)

eslint-plugin-import is newly incorporated

This plugin provides linting support for ES 2015 modules (but also CommonJS exports). There are simply too many rules to describe what it does, but in general it helps you with verifying that what you import/export is really what you expect etc.

Actions needed:

  • Verify any errors/issues reported by this plugin and report false positives here. Optionally you might need to provide some extra configuration to make the plugin work, depending on your current setup.

Trailing commas are now required

There has been a proposal (#12) to require trailing commas in many places. The proposal has been accepted. ESLint can autofix this rule to adopt the new coding style.

Actions needed:

  • Run node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix . in current project to adopt the new coding style

eslint-plugin-react rules completely revisited

Thanks to @dannytce, the React rules have been reviewed and updated to match best practices in the industry. See #11.

IDE/Editor integration guides 💪

We have some guides and tips for integrating ESLint in your favourite editors/IDEs. Check them out!


11 Oct 12:41
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6.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release
  • EPIC: Many changes to react-related rules (#11) (thanks @dannytce)


11 Oct 12:40
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6.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release
  • EPIC: Includes rules from eslint-config-import
  • Now includes the eslint-plugin-react plugin as a dependency
  • No longer requires class methods to use this (this conflicts with React where you are required to implement a set of APIs that React prescribes)


05 Oct 14:20
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  • Require all Symbols to have a description
  • Require class methods to use this (otherwise suggest making them static)