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Releases: strvcom/eslint-config-javascript


25 Sep 12:37
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New rules

  • react/jsx-curly-brace-presence: Prohibits superfluous literal expressions in JSX elements
  • flowtype/no-unused-expressions: Extends the ESLint builtin rule of the same name and avoids marking type-only expressions as not being used


  • newline-per-chained-call: Moved to coding-styles/fixable
  • no-extra-parens: Extra parens are now allowed around assignments in return expressions
  • template-tag-spacing: Now disallows spaces between the tag function and the tag string
  • import/no-anonymous-default-export: Literal objects and arrays are now allowed to be the default export value without assigning the value to a const first


05 Sep 08:17
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  • Upgraded ESLint to 4.6.0 (you may have to drop your node_modules folder to upgrade properly)
  • config glob will now match the config folder even if in subdirectories (ie src/config, lib/config etc.)
  • Updated package.json metadata, enhanced README and tutorials


30 Aug 09:49
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This release contains major new features! See the notes below for detailed info.

New features

  • Cool new Flow ruleset! (#22 🎉 thanks @arnostpleskot)

    @strv/javascript/environments/flow/recommended & @strv/javascript/coding-styles/flow

  • Cool new React accessibility ruleset! (#20 🎉 thanks @petrhanak)

    @strv/javascript/environments/react/accessibility and also included in the React ruleset 💪


  • react/no-unused-prop-types: No longer validates shape props (#21)


25 Aug 12:00
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New rules


  • ESLint 4.5 is now required: npm i -D eslint@^4.5 to upgrade your version
  • eslint-plugin-react was upgraded. If you get warnings about unknown rules, just drop your node_modules and install all deps again.
  • Added new ruleset for Node.js 8.3 release: environments/nodejs/v8-3: This ruleset enables object rest-spread syntax introduced in v8 engine 6.0
  • For files in config/ or configuration/ directories, the rule no-process-env has been turned off
  • For files matching patterns test/**, packages/*/test/**/*.test.*, packages/*/test/**/*.spec.*, the mocha: true environment is enabled and func-names rule is turned off

    These settings were previously usually configured on a custom, per-project .eslintrc.js. ESLint introduced an option to override some rules based on matching path patterns so these rules can now be centrally overridden.


08 Aug 08:03
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  • Added complete support for Mocha's BDD interface by configuring no-restricted-properties rule to also flag context.only(), context.skip(), specify.only() and specify.skip() calls (thanks @ozivnustka)


19 Jul 18:01
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  • Add autofix configuration tutorial for WebStorm (thanks @polacekpavel ❤️)
  • Upgrade ESLint to 4.2.0
  • Upgrade eslint-config-import to 2.7.0
  • Upgrade eslint-plugin-react to 7.1.0

New rules

  • react/jsx-closing-tag-location: warn
  • react/default-props-match-prop-types: warn
  • react/no-redundant-should-component-update: warn
  • getter-return: error

Changed rules

  • multiline-ternary: Now the ternary must either be completely on a single line or each part must be on its own line
  • no-sync: Now you can require() modules anywhere at the module scope (in other words, as long as ESLint can clearly detect that the require call is executed as part of the module loading process it will not complain)


19 Jul 17:43
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  • Added @strv/javascript/environments/nodejs/v8 config style for Node.js 8.0 release line


14 Jun 08:12
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This release adds new rules from ESLint 4 and therefore requires that ESLint version.

New rules:

  • object-curly-newline: set to consistent: true
  • padding-line-between-statements: Used as a replacement for the now-deprecated lines-around-directive (requires a newline after 'use strict'
  • semi-style: Configures semicolon placement to being at the beginning of statements. This makes little difference for semi-less coding style; however, you may wish to reconfigure this rule if you have a different setting for the semi rule.
  • switch-colon-spacing: Requires spaces after the colon in a switch's case and disallows spaces before the colon, ie case test: fn()
  • for-direction: In for loops, require the statement which is executed on each iteration to move toward the terminating condition. See the examples if this sounds incomprehensible. 🙂
  • import/no-anonymous-default-export: Encourages ES2015's default exports to have a name. The reasoning for this is explained in the rule's documentation.
  • react/no-will-update-set-state: Do not allow using setState() inside componentWillUpdate().


  • react/no-deprecated: Lowered to warn instead of error. This should make it easier to work with React when migrating to a higher version. 💪
  • the environments/react/v15 ruleset now defines the target React version as 15.5 instead of 15. This will most likely cause some warnings to appear due to React preparing you for the v16 release.


13 Jun 14:44
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This release adds ESLint 4.0 compatibility to partially avoid warnings on npm install.

Some rules have also been removed as they have been deprecated. It is recommended that you upgrade to 7.0 release

Removed rules:

These rules are removed from this release, but an alternative may have been added back in the 7.0 release of this ruleset.



06 Mar 16:56
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New rules

Rule changes

  • no-use-before-define: Classes are now also exempted from this rule, thus allowing them to be referenced before they are defined

Other changes