sudo docker-compose run --rm cmd npm install
sudo docker-compose run --rm cmd ng lint
sudo docker-compose up serve
sudo docker-compose down
- Do I need to declare root at src/app/app-routing.module.ts although I already declare this root at src/app/modules/homepage/homepage-routing.module.ts
- Can I reference a template outside the scope of the component to better load loading at src/app/modules/tag/components/list/list.component.html
- Why does tags$ not get refreshed if I revisit the page but is refreshed if I click again on the menu item
- Good practice to create separate components for crud operation vs popups?
- Extending components including views?
- Services are created lazily. I need repositories to be created immediately. Currently I inject them in app.component.ts although I don't need them to ensure that. Any better ways?