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About this Project

Cookbook attempts to be a modern and simple website to display recipes. This means among other things:

  • Lightweight websites with minimal javascript
  • Necessary ingredients displayed next to each step
  • Multi-language support

(TODO images)


Cookbook is written as a WSGI service. It is recommended to run it via uWSGI, though several other deployment options are available. Please see the Flask deployment instructions for in-depth information.

Please find example setup scenarios below:

uWSGI and nginx


Clone this repository to some location, e.g. /usr/local/cookbook. This means you should find e.g. the following paths:

  • /usr/local/cookbook/
  • /usr/local/cookbook/cookbook/
  • /usr/local/cookbook/cookbook/static/

Create a virtual env in /usr/local/cookbook, i.e.

python3 -m venv /usr/local/cookbook/env

Activate the virtual env and install cookbook into it:

source /usr/local/cookbook/env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install .

Create /var/cookbook/. In /var/cookbook/recipes/, put your recipes; in /var/cookbook/recipes/images/, put your images.

In /var/cookbook/config.json, put:

  "COOKBOOK_LOCATION": "/var/cookbook/recipes",
  "DEFAULT_LANG": "en",
  "BASE_URL": "",
  "SITE_NAME": "Cookbook"

Replace all of these keys as necessary. SECRET_KEY should be any randomly generated string, see the Flask config for more details.

If you prefer, you can also set all of these options as environment variables. Simply prefix them with FLASK_ (e.g. FLASK_COOKBOOK_LOCATION). If both a config file and environment variables are provided, environment variables take precedence.


Install uWSGI. Find (or create) the configuration directory for uwsgi. We will assume /var/uwsgi for this tutorial.

In /var/uwsgi/server.json, put

  "uwsgi": {
    "emperor": "/var/uwsgi/vassals"

In /var/uwsgi/vassals/cookbook.json, put

  "uwsgi": {
    "chmod-socket": "664",
    "chown-socket": "uwsgi:www-data",
    "env": [
    "master": true,
    "module": "cookbook:app",
    "plugin": "python3",
    "plugins": ["python3"],
    "pyhome": "/usr/local/cookbook/env",
    "socket": "/run/uwsgi/cookbook.sock",
    "workers": 5

Change the value of chown-socket to the user that runs -- or will run -- the uWSGI service and the group that runs -- or will run -- nginx service. In env, you can also provide configuration keys (see above for details).

Set up a systemd service (if none comes with your distro) to start uwsgi. This service should run as the user set in chown-socket. Start uwsgi with the option --json /var/uwsgi/server.json, for example:

ExecStart=uwsgi --json /var/uwsgi/server.json
# More options here

Enable and start the uwsgi service:

systemctl enable uwsgi
systemctl start uwsgi


Set up nginx. Amend the configuration for the server section where you intend to host the server as follows:

http {
  include uwsgi_params;
  server {
    # other server config goes here...
    server_name your.cookbook.url;
    location / {
      uwsgi_pass unix:/run/uwsgi/cookbook.sock;
    location /images/ {
      alias /var/cookbook/recipes/images/;
      expires 7d;
      add_header Cache-Control "public";
    location /static/ {
      alias /usr/local/cookbook/cookbook/static/;

Enable and start nginx:

systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx

Navigate to the URL set in server_name to verify that cookbook is deployed and running.

Deploying in Subfolders

While the default setup of Cookbook assumes that it is deployed at the top-level of a webserver, it is possible to host it in a subfolder.

To this end:

  • Make sure that BASE_URL in the configuration file contains the full path to Cookbook's index (e.g.
  • Add the configuration key APPLICATION_ROOT specifiying the subfolder (e.g. /cookbook/)
  • Prefix the three locations in the nginx config with the subfolder (e.g. location /cookbook/ { ... }, location /cookbook/images/ { ... } and location /cookbook/static/ { ... })


A nix module is being written. In the meantime, if you would like guidance on how to set up cookbook via nix, please see here for some hints.

Writing Recipes

Recipes are stored in yaml files. These files should all be stored in one folder, which should be provided to the cookbook service in the config file (COOKBOOK_LOCATION).

The file names should follow the following format: <id>.<language>.yml or <id>.<language>.yaml. The cookbook service will automatically aggregate recipes with the same id but different language codes, see 'Localization' for more information.

A Note on Recipe Ids

Recipe ids exist in two variants: Unnormalized, as found in the file name, and normalized, for internal handling (e.g. the recipe in Chocolate Cake.en.yml would have an unnormalized id of Chocolate Cake and a normalized id of chocolate-cake).

Whenever you as the user need to specify ids (e.g. for translations or for linking related recipes), it is recommended you use unnormalized ids. This makes recipes more readable for you, and allows the normalized format to change without breaking your recipes.


Recipes can have linked images. For now these are only displayed in the search results. Images are loaded from a subfolder of the recipe folder. Specifically, the image is looked up in the following order:

  1. <recipe-folder>/images/<unnormalized id>.png
  2. <recipe-folder>/images/<unnormalized id>.jpg
  3. <recipe-folder>/images/<normalized id>.png
  4. <recipe-folder>/images/<normalized id>.jpg

Note that the service performs no further processing of the image files, instead serving the files directly (in fact, it is recommended to configure your webserver such that the image folder is served without dispatching to the service). Therefore, images should be cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio (the search listing scales the images to 250 x 141px) [n.b. subject to change].

Recipe File Format

Top-Level Keys

Key Description Default Mandatory?
name Name of the recipe, as displayed in the search results and on the recipe. Yes
serves Number of servings in this recipe. Yes
servings_unit The "kind" of servings this recipe produces. Usually readers assume that servings refers to the number of people that you can feed with the given amounts. Override this here if it does not apply, (e.g. servings is the number of muffins this recipe produces) n/a
servings_increment The change in servings when readers press the + or - buttons next to the servings. 1
descr A brief (one to two sentence) description of the recipe, displayed in the search results. n/a
note Additional information about the recipe, displayed on the recipe page (e.g. suitable side dishes, possible variations).
hide_from_all Hide the recipe from the 'all recipes' overview page. The recipe will still appear in more specific searches.
related List of (normalized or unnormalized, see 'Recipe Ids') ids of related recipes. []
tags List or comma separated string of tags []
prep List of recipe steps (see 'Recipe Steps') for the prep stage: Things that can or should be prepared in advance. []
mis_en_place List of recipe steps for the mis-en-place phase: Preparing ingredients for assembly []
cooking List of recipe steps for the cooking phase: Active or semi-active assembly []
passive_cooking List of recipe steps for the passive cooking phase: Extended hands-off cooking times []
cooking2 List of recipe steps for the second cooking phase: Active or semi-active steps following a passive cooking phase []
passive_cooking2 List of recipe steps for the second passive cooking: Extended hands-off cooking times following a previous passive cooking phase []

Recipe Steps

Key Description Default Mandatory?
ingredients List of ingredients (see 'Ingredients') for this step []
internal_ingredients List of strings: Intermediate results (see yields field here) from previous steps, for semantic linking of steps. Displayed in the instructions. []
hidden_ingredients List of strings: As internal_ingredients but only for semantic linking of steps, not displayed in the instructions. []
yields String or list of strings: Intermediate result(s) produced by this step. Not mandatory, but recommend for all but the final step. n/a
instructions Preparatory instructions for this step (we recommend yaml multiline strings, see examples for more information). Yes


Key Description Default Mandatory?
ingredient Name of the ingredient Yes
amount Amount of the ingredient to use (just the number, see unit field for unit information) n/a
unit Unit that the amount is given in


The service attempts to serve one localized version of the website for each language for which a recipe has been found. The recipe localization itself is left up to the user. The website UI is localized with strings taken from localization/<lang>.yml. If the language has no localization file, or a localization key is not defined, the service first falls back on the DEFAULT_LANG language (definable in the config, if undefined defaults to the language with the most recipes), and barring that, English.

The default language of the website is DEFAULT_LANG. Specific languages can be requested by prefixing all paths on the website by the desired language code. Additionally, all recipes will link to versions of the same recipe in different languages.

The service attempts to remember the preferred (i.e. last-used) language and serve that as a default in the future (needs work, might get removed in favor of explicit language paths everywhere except the default landing page)


Simple and minimalistic yaml-based cookbook







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