A Neovim plugin for executing and displaying Dynomark queries in Markdown files.
Using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
opts = {},
- Use
:Dynomark toggle
to enable/disable Dynomark functionality. - Use
:Dynomark run [vertical, horizontal, tab, float]
to run the query under the cursor (has to be in a fenced dynomark block) and an optional buffer type to open the results in.- Opens result of the query in a new buffer (by default a vertical split).
- Use
:Dynomark compile [vertical, horizontal, tab, float]
to combine your file with dynomark query results in place of the queries- Opens compiled file in a new buffer (by default a vertical split).
- Map
to a key of your choice for quick toggling of the plugin. - Map
to a key of your choice quickly show the results of a query inside a new buffer (vertical/horizontal split or tab)
Examples for mapping both functions:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>v", "<Plug>(DynomarkToggle)", { desc = "Toggle Dynomark" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>V", "<Plug>(DynomarkRun)", { desc = "Run dynomark query under cursor" })
Many lines of virtual text don't play well with cursors, especially when the cursor is on the top
or bottom of the screen. There's an experimental option remap_arrows
, that tries to make scrolling
long query results better with arrow keys. This option is false
by default.
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
opts = { -- Default values
remap_arrows = false,
results_view_location = "vertical", -- Can be "float", "tab", "vertical" or "horizontal"
-- This is only used when results_view_location is "float"
-- By default the window is placed in the upper right of the window
-- If you want to have the window centered, set both offsets to 0.0
float_horizontal_offset = 0.2,
float_vertical_offset = 0.2,
- Function to run and show only single queries
- Option to show results in a floating window buffer
- Open a new buffer that has results inserted in place of queries to allow saving "compiled" files
- Neovim >= 0.7.0
- dynomark must be installed and available in your PATH.
- Treesitter
- Markdown Treesitter parser
command was replaced by:Dynomark run [vertical, horizontal, float, tab]
command was replaced by:Dynomark toggle
command was replaced by:Dynomark compile [vertical, horizontal, float, tab]
has been replaced by<Plug>(DynomarkToggle)
has been replaced by<Plug>(DynomarkRun)