- The is an eMERGE 4 support program
- Set up a merged R4 and local redcap database
- Pull R4 data periodically to populate the local redcap database
- Send out auto reminder for users to complete the survey in R4.
- Since R4 is constantly changing, a better machanism is needed to report and monitor the change. Especially to avoid the errors like
ERROR:root:b'{"error":"The following fields were not found in the project as real data fields: your_or_your_childs_3"}'
- The file sync is not supported currently.
- If the field contain @CALC annotation, the sync might fail
- automate project setup when R4 design is changed
- send out error email if the sync failed
Create API token and endpoint
- Create a file named
and put it under the root dir of this repo. An example of this json file is showed below.
{ "api_key_local": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "api_key_r4": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "local_endpoint": "https://emerge4.dbmi.columbia.edu/redcap/api/", "r4_api_endpoint" : "https://redcap.vanderbilt.edu/api/" }
- Create a file named
to make sure the connection and API token works# Since columbia use CAS to authenticate local Redcap, we have to # add a list of IP (where this program hosted) into the whitelist # aqua is a dynamic IP, has to add them all # check IP by viewing apache logs. sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep /redcap/api/ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/redcap-cas.conf
#### Open up the API without auth <DirectoryMatch "^/var/www/html/redcap/api/"> # Exempted IPs. Can also use CIDR notation. Require ip 172.xx.xx.xx 172.xx.xx.xx </DirectoryMatch>
Make a copy of local custermized redcap build
- make sure the field name has been adjusted. (avoid conflict when merging with R4)
- obtain new API tokens and change
to dump the dictionary from both R4 and local redcap projects, and then load into the local redcap project created in 3.- This program has to be reexcuted everytime there is a R4 level data field change.
- In case there is an error like
HTTP Status: {"error":"This method cannot be used while the project is in Production status."}
, move Back to Development status. - Due to constant change in R4, we decided to ignore some of those fields (reduce the number of times required to reset project)
to pull R4 data periodically into local Redcapcumc_id
will be created by adding 1 into the current largest number in local redcap. Numbers larger than10000
are reserved for those Epic imported records.- current program is optimzed for memory and time. Takes about ~5 mins to sync ~2500 records.
- Pull R4 data and match local data by
- record_id in r4; (This can be assigned a record_id in a local record to enable a forced manual match.)
- participant IDs;
- first_name, last_name & DOB if this is a adult patient and given the local record has no child portion filled in.
- child_names & DOB if this is a child patient.
- If can not find a match in local data, create a new CUIMC_ID incremented.
- Also pull R4 surveyQueueLink via API for each record and store in [r4_survey_queue_link]
file is used to ignore the recent R4 update.- read and write functions are vectorized to speed up the process
- It should take less than 15 minutes to complete the data pull for 4000 records.
- set up crob job for daily pull
. An example is showed below.# m h dom mon dow command 0 0 * * * sh /phi_home/cl3720/phi/eMERGE/eIV-recruitement-support-redcap/cron_job.sh
Set up alert machanism to send out auto reminder.
- See create_survey_alert.md for more details
- if [previous_survey_complete] = '2' AND [reminder_survey_complete] !='2'
- send out [r4_survey_queue_link]
- data fetch will only trigger the alert once.
- In addition, if you want to send out email via a valid SMTP server, please see redcap_send_out_email.md for more details.
to check the wrongfully mapped IDs.