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Get the scripts (do it once)

  • Make a new folder (or use a pre-existing one):

    • mkdir daq2test
  • Get the scripts:

    • git clone /nfshome0/stiegerb/Workspace/daq2val && cd daq2val
    • git checkout production
  • To get a new version simply do:

    • git pull

Setup (do it once before running)

  • ssh to dvsrv-C2F36-07-01 (or any other machine that has python 2.6+ and can ssh to the daq2 system)

    • ssh dvsrv-C2F36-07-01
  • Get a kerberos token:

    • kinit
  • Change into the working directory (daq2test/daq2val/ in the example above):

    • cd daq2test/daq2val/
  • Set the environment:

    • source

    or, when running on the daq2val system:

    • source
  • Start launchers: (make sure the symbol map makes sense and that you can ssh to each of the machines with no password or key query)

    • ./daq2Control/ --start -m daq2SymbolMap.txt -l /tmp/launcherLog.txt
  • To follow the xdaq output (best in a new window):

    • tail -f /tmp/launcherLog.txt
  • To stop the launchers again:

    • ./daq2Control/ --stop -m daq2SymbolMap.txt
  • Check launcher status:

    • ./daq2Control/ --status -m daq2SymbolMap.txt

Simple running (mostly for debugging)

  • Note that you can do most of the following with --dry first to see what it will do without sending anything. For more options and help, use any of the scripts with --help (or -h).

  • Start a config by using the script:

    • ./daq2Control/ --start 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5
  • To stop it again, use the --kill option:

    • ./daq2Control/ --kill 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5
  • You can also do the steps separately:

    • Setup:

    ./daq2Control/ --prepare 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5

    • Configure:

    ./daq2Control/ --configure 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5

    • Enable:

    ./daq2Control/ --enable 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5

    • Stop (should get back to "Configured", but no guarantee):

    ./daq2Control/ --stop 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml 4096 0.0 -v 5

    • For more options, use --help

Scanning (to do a measurement)

  • Run a scan of fragment sizes over a single configuration:

    • ./daq2Control/ --stopRestart --maxSize 16000 --duration 120 12s12fx1x4_ibv.xml -v 5 -o output/
    • To set a custom scanning range, use --maxSize, --minSize, and --stepSize, with the argument in bytes.
    • To set the duration for each step use --duration with an argument in seconds.
    • For all the options use --help, but note that some are not entirely bugfree...
  • Run a scan of fragment sizes over a set of configurations:

    • ./daq2Control/ --stopRestart --maxSize 16000 --duration 120 overnight/*.xml -v 5 -o output/output/
    • takes all the same arguments as


  • For EvB/gevb2g with FEROLs as input (run with -h to get all the options):

    • ./daq2Control/ 12s12fx1x4
    • To use the gevb2g instead of Remi's EvB: --useGevb2g
    • To use UDAPL instead of IBV: --useUDAPL
    • To change the ferol running mode: --ferolMode frl_autotrigger (options are ferol_emulator (default), frl_autotrigger, frl_gtpe_trigger, efed_slink_gtpe)
    • For all the options, try --help
  • For MStreamIO:

    • ./daq2Control/ 4x4
  • For gevb2g with input emulator:

    • ./daq2Control/ --useGevb2g 4x4


  • Create symbolmaps for the DAQ production system (this uses 2015-05-05-infiniband-ports.csv as input. To blacklist machines, change the 0 to a 1 in the corresponding line/column):

    • ./daq2Control/ --nRUs 8 --nBUs 8 --splitBy 8 -v -o daq2SymbolMap_8x8.txt
    • To take only N machines from one leaf: --splitBy N
    • To use only RU machines: --useOnlyRUs
    • To add a dedicated EVM machine: --addEVM
    • To maximally distribute the machines over all leafs: --shuffle
    • For all the options, try --help
  • Print the cabling for a DAQ production system symbolmap:

    • ./daq2Control/ customSymbolmap.txt


  • To create a throughput vs fragment size plot from a .csv file obtained from a scan (or downloaded from the web archive), use the script in the plotting subdir. Note that this needs python 2.7+ and ROOT with pyROOT to be installed:
    • ./plotting/ 1x1.csv 2x2.csv --legend '1x1' '2x2'
  • Some of the additional plotting options are:
    • -o to set the output file
    • --minx, --maxx, --miny, --maxy to set the plotting range
    • --logy, --nologx toggle logarithmic scale on y or x axis. Default is logarithmic in x.
    • --tag TEXT, --subtag TEXT to add text boxes on the canvas.
    • --title, --titleX, --titleY to set canvas title and axis labels
    • --legend 'TEXT1' 'TEXT2' 'TEXT3' to set the legend. Number of arguments needs to match with the number of .csv files provided.
    • --sizeFromBU, take the fragment size from the BU measurement instead of from the input
    • --rate Set the rate curve (in kHz) to be displayed. Default is 100 kHz.


  • If you get an error like this:
  File "./daq2Control/", line 89
    configurator.evbns = ('gevb2g' if options.useGevb2g and not
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
- Probably means you're on a machine with an old version of python (i.e. older than 2.6). Try `ssh dvsrv-C2F36-07-01`.


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