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Python 3.8

Run locally

Check your current Chrome version locally. If older or other version than 99.0.4844.51 go to and look for the right version. Download and add chromedriver to the chrome/chrome_driver/<_your_os_sys_>/ folder.

  1. Specify chromedriver in config.yml. See Configuration section. (Chromedriver from
  2. Make sure that the requirements.txt are satisfied.
  3. Run the Crawler my running the script

Run in Docker

When running the Crawler in Docker the following command have to be executed:

  • docker-compose up

Running Selenium in Docker requires the usage of the Selenium Grid (More information: Containing the selenium-hub, chrome, redis, analysis and main crawler. ( The Dockerfiles for the analysis and crawler are located in the Docker/ folder. The database and wasm files are defined as shared volumes in between the containers. Once the services are running the grid information can be observed over localhost:4444/ui/index.html#/ or http://localhost:4444/ui/index.html#/sessions (optional to run analysis) Open analysis app in local chrome browser with localhost:5000


alt text

  • crawler
    • start Set to False to only run analysis (default: True)
    • num_threads To specify parallel threads to make crawling more efficient (default: 1)
    • depth Level of recursive depth (default: 2)
    • breadth Level of recursive breadth (default: 2) May be set to "max" to use the full breadth
    • intern_hyperlinks Recursive search for same domain names (default: False)
    • extern_hyperlinks Recursive search for other domain names (default: True)
    • download.default_directory Location of local download folder in crawler (default: ./wasm_files/)
  • docker Docker Configuration
  • chrome Chrome Configuration
    • driver_path Path to chromedriver when running locally (default: "./chrome/chrome_driver/win32/chromedriver.exe") Could be also set to /mac64/ or /linux64/
    • max_window_size (default: False)
    • arguments Chromedriver option arguments settings
      • List of flags that might be added:
        • "--force-dev-mode-highlighting"
        • "--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs"
        • "--window-size=1920x1080"
        • "--disable-popup-blocking"
        • "--mute-audio"
    • prefs Chromedriver preferences
      • download.default_directory Destination directory for downloaded files on selenium node in Docker. Local file location in crawler config (default: "/home/seluser/")
      • download.prompt_for_download (default: False)
      • download.directory_upgrade (default: True)
      • download.download_restrictions (default: 1)
      • safebrowsing.enabled (default: True)
    • extension: Chrome Extension Configuration (More info:
      • crx_file_path Chromedriver setting for extension, path to the Wappalyzer - Technology profiler Chrome extension (default: './chrome/chrome_extension/extension_6_9_11_0.crx')
      • chrome_extensions_url Browser url to extensions manager (default: "chrome://extensions/")
      • background_page Background Page of the Chrome Wappalyzer Extension with the ID:gppongmhjkpfnbhagpmjfkannfbllamg (default: "chrome-extension://gppongmhjkpfnbhagpmjfkannfbllamg/html/background.html")
  • input_file config for the input file containing the list of websites to be crawled
    • name name of the input file (default: input.txt)
    • prefix optional prefix to add before the websites urls format from input file (default: "https://")
    • suffix optional suffix to add after the websites urls format from input file (default: "")
  • database config for the SQLite DB (
    • setup Boolean value to setup the database and tables
    • path Specifies shared Docker location and name of the database (default: '/WebCrawler/database/website_data.db')
    • local_path Specifies local location and name of the database (default: './database/website_data.db')
  • analysis config to run SELECT queries in flask
    • start to run analysis script (default: True)
    • html_file_dict Folder path (default: analysis)
    • html_file HTML for analysis (default: analysis.html)
    • url To run analysis in local host or docker (default:

For Development: Project Structure


Initializes Configuration and DatabaseManager. Contains main function to run crawler or analysis. (./


Main logic of the WebCrawler for the async, recursive scraping and setup of chrome options for the selenium webdriver. (./


Specifies the Dockerfiles for the Analysis and the Crawler (/docker/{analysis, crawler}/Dockerfile)


Different classes to extract information from website. (./utility/..):

  • Ad Tracking: Find cookies, tracking pixels, utm links and tag manager
  • HTML Tag Extractor: Extract information based on given HTML tag (script and hyperlink data)
  • Input Reader: functions to read input URLs and configuration file
  • Source Language Analyzer:
  • Wappalyzer API: Get information from Wappalyzer extension background page about used languages, frameworks and libraries
  • Web Assembly Analyzer: Find WASM files, Web Assembly functions and information in the source javascript files
  • Website Data: Data structure to store found information

sqlite3 database (./database/website_data.db) and DatabaseManager (./database/ to insert website information in database


Contains the current chrome drivers (chrome/chrome_driver/..) for linux64, mac64 and win32 and the Wappalyzer chrome extension (./chrome/chrome_extension/..)


Flask App to run Analysis (./analysis/ and template for the generated HTML (./analysis/templates/analysis.html).

Wasm Files

Stores found WASM files (./wasm_files/..)