This is a remix from the original repo of OctoPrint/docker with extras:
- support 2 or more running containers (each associated with one printer via 1 USB connection): verified working on both my Ender3 and CR10s
- privleged mode to support accessing USB/Serial ports from each container
- support klipper working isolated on each container
Since Klipper only supports Py2, the Octoprint is also kept at Py2.7 (feel free to explore and post a pull request).
Ensure docker and docker-compose are installed on your host. Some references:
- How to install Docker on Raspberry Pi
- How to install Docker Compose on Ubuntu, best bet for Rpi:
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
Create images
git clone && cd octoprint-docker
docker build -t octoprint:py2.7 .
# the above will take a while to complete building
Spin up containers using the created image octoprint:py2.7
docker-compose up -d
# you should see something like this:
# Creating network "octoprint-docker_default" with the default driver
# Creating cr10s ... done
# Creating ender3 ... done
Verify Octoprint has been up and running for 2 printers by going to:
Proceed if you want to use Klipper, otherwise this is completed.
# Login to each container - note: `cr10s` is the container name
docker exec -it cr10s /bin/bash
nano printer.cfg
# and add your klipper config as usual
# make sure you update the serial port to the corresponding printer
# to search for serial port:
# ls /dev/serial/by-id
# once done, restart klipper service
sudo service klipper restart
# tail log to see if klipper service working
tail -f /tmp/klippy.log
the matching mjpg-streamer container I have linked here with instruction:
Octoprint allows you to make timelapses using an IP webcam and ffmpeg. It is installed in /opt/ffmpeg/ffmpeg
Octoprint allows you to import .STL files and slice them directly in the application. For this you need to upload the profiles that you want to use (you can export them from Cura). Cura Engine is installed in /opt/cura/CuraEngine