A module providing immersion friendly macros and functionalities to enhance the gameplay experience of the SWADE System on Foundry VTT and automate some things in a non-intrusive way.
If you want to support me you can do so on my Ko-fi:
This is one way to show me that my module is actually used and well-received.
You'll find all the macros in a new compendium delivered by the module. It contains all the macros. You can either import the macros or replace the code of your existing macros. Once that is done you can start using them although I strongly suggest taking a look at the module settings. There are quite a few which might be interesting for you.
Please read the Wiki in full, as it contains important instructions on how to use this module.
The Code of the macros and modules is licensed under the GPU 3.0 License (see License). The SFX is used with permission and may use another License (see Assets section below for details). Some macros contain SWADE rulings in a way that the macros execute them and sometimes include short notices. They do not contain detailed information about the rulings. This is Licensed under the Savage Worlds Fan License.
“This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.”The Chase Layouts hold game rules and are licensed under the fan license as well (see above), permission was granted by Shane. The Layouts may not be redistributed under any circumstances.
In this repository you can find a number of assets already.
- Icons: Game-Icons.net (all of them altered by SalieriC#8263).
- Summon Creature Duration: Pentacle by Skoll
- Growth/Shrink: Growth by Delapouite
- Sloth: Tortoise by Delapouite
- Speed: Rabbit by Delapouite
- Quickness: Speed by Lorc
- Burden: Weight by Delapouite
- Ease Burden: Feather by Lorc
- Beast Friend: Beast eye by Lorc
- Confusion: Star swirl by Lorc
- Deflection: Divert by Lorc
- Arcane Protection: Magic Palm by Lorc
- Burrow: Mole by Caro Asercion
- Damage Aura: Icicles Aura by Lorc
- Darksight: Octogonal Eye by Lorc
- Detect Arcana: All Seeing Eye by Delapouite
- Conceil Arcana: Temple Door by Delapouite
- Darksight: Double face mask by Lorc
- Environmental Protection: Embraced energy by Lorc
- Farsight: Eye target by Delapouite
- Intangibility: Ghost ally by Lorc
- Ming Link: Telepathy by Lorc
- Slumber: Night sleep by Delapoutite
- Silence: Mute by Delapouite
- Speak Language: Talk by Skoll
- Wall Walker: Brick wall by Delapouite and Footprint by Lorc
- Warrior's Gift: Axe sword by Delapouite
- Empathy: Shaking hands by Delapouite
- Elemental Manipulation: Elements icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
- Blind: Sight disabled by Skoll
- Relief (Numb): Square bottle by Lorc
- Clock: ClipArtBest.com
- SFX: (see their file name for origin)
- Fesliyan Studios, all used with explicit permission (thank you so much), see their License here.
- Orange Free Sounds, all used unter the CC BY-NC 4.0 License, converted to *.ogg and possibly altered (see file name), Author is in the file names as well.
- Night Vision Device sounds by Gofrik at Soundspunos.com, altered in volume and converted to OGG.
- Six chase layouts, one for foot/riding chases, one for (ground) vehicle chases and one for ship (watercraft, aircraft and spacecraft) chases/battles with regular and modern theme. You may not redistribute these under any circumstances. I'll may decide on a case basis to allow you to do so, please ask.
- Travel Images, these are used in the travel calculator and may not be distributed in any way. Assets are used in the macros. You can also set up your own assets in the modules configuration. There you can change file paths.