This is a simple Electron app to demonstrate how to use Electron Builder to package distributables for the Mac App Store and the Microsoft Store.
The app is the electron-quick-start app (see with modifications to the package.json file and a build folder added.
This app goes along with the tutorials:
How to Release an Electron App on the Mac App Store
How to Release an Electron App on the Microsoft Store
Steps to package this app for the Mac App store: Must be done on a Mac.
- Load the development dependencies electron and electron-builder:
npm install -D electron
npm i -D electron-builder
- Run it in dev mode to make sure it works:
npm start
- Optionally install nodemon as a global or development dependency
npm i -g nodemon
then execute the scriptnpm run dev
- You need three signing certificates:
Certificate | Target | Expiration |
Apple Development | MAS dev | Expires in one year |
Apple Distribution | MAS | Expires in one year |
Mac Installer Distribution | MAS installer | Expires in one year |
Add or update expired certificates with XCode: Open XCode > Click the XCode menu > Select Preferences > Click Accounts > Click the Manage Certificates button > Click the + button in the lower left corner > Select the certificate type to create (Apple Development, Apple Distribution, Mac Installer Distribution).
View your certificates: security find-identity -v
File | Target | Expiration |
AppleDevelopment.provisionprofile | MAS dev | Expires in one year |
MacAppStore.provisionprofile | MAS | Expires in one year |
Create development (local testing) and distribution provisioning profiles in your developer account: Download them, rename them to AppleDevelopment.provisionprofile and MacAppStore.provisionprofile, and place them in the build/mac directory.
To read the files enter:
security cms -D -i build/mac/AppleDevelopment.provisionprofile
security cms -D -i build/mac/MacAppStore.provisionprofile
Entitlements | Target | Expiration |
entitlements.mas.plist | MAS | no expiration |
entitlements.mas.inherit.plist | MAS | no expiration |
- Use the entitlement files in the build/mac directory as is except for the TeamID.appID.
- Add your own TeamID.appID in the entitlements.mas.plist file on line 9.
- Get Team ID from:
- Get appID from: The appID is the "identifier.
Update the package.json file and build the app for testing using the mas-dev target:
- The package.json file is set up for the mas-dev target. This build allows you can package the app and test it locally.
- At a minimum change the name, productName, and appId properties to your information.
- Run the script:
npm run dist
ornpm run distMac
- A local packaged version of your app should be in the build/mas-dev folder. Double click it to launch it and to make sure it works.
- Test that it is signed:
codesign --display --verbose=2 "dist/mas-dev/Electron AppStore"
Build the app for the Mac App Store using the mas target:
- Change the below "mac" properties:
"target": "mas",
"type": "distribution",
<remove the identity property>
"provisioningProfile": "build/mac/MacAppStore.provisionprofile",
- Build the app for the mac app store:
npm run dist
ornpm run distMac
- This will generate a .pkg installer in dist/mas/Electron AppStore Example-1.0.0.pkg
- You will not be able to open the app since it was not signed by the Apple Store.
- Test that it is signed, changing the app name:
codesign --display --verbose=2 "dist/mas/Electron AppStore"
- Test that the pkg installer is signed, changing the app name:
pkgutil --check-signature "dist/mas/Electron AppStore Example-1.0.0.pkg"
Steps to package this app for the Microsoft Store:
- Must be packaged in a Windows environment (e.g., on a Windows PC or Mac with Parallels Pro Edition).
- Delete the node_modules folder and package-lock.json files if they were installed on Mac.
- Load the development dependencies electron and electron-builder:
npm install -D electron
npm i -D electron-builder
- Run it in development mode to make sure it works:
npm start
- Change the values in the package.json file to your own:
- Go to your Microsoft App Dashboard > click your App name > click Product Identity > Get the package: Identity/Name, Identity/Publisher, Properties/PublisherDisplayName.
- "identityName": "Put Identity/Name value here",
- "publisher": "Put Identity/Publisher value here",
- "publisherDisplayName": "Put Properties/PublisherDisplayName value here"
- Build the app for the Microsoft Store. Run the script:
npm run dist
ornpm run distWin
- This will generate an executable app in build\win-unpacked\ElectronAppStoreExample.exe
- And a .appx app installer in dist\ElectronAppStoreExample 1.0.0.appx